Saturday and Sunday, Tradition or Sabbath (Shabbat)

Saturday and Sunday, Tradition or Sabbath (Shabbat)

This article will uncover that the current Roman calendar system with the continuous seven day weekly cycle is another way that the Adversary has gotten us to defile YAHUAH’S holy seventh-day Sabbath. We will reveal that the Sabbath is neither on Sunday nor Saturday, but rather based on the phases of the moon.

Should Followers of The Messiah Keep the whole Law (Torah)?

Should Followers of The Messiah Keep the whole Law (Torah)?

Have the ten commandments been done away with? Are we under the “old testament Law”? Was the Torah including the ten commandments nailed to the cross? Does keeping the whole Torah deny Messiah? What is considered to be the Torah? These are all important questions as followers of the Messiah to ask and to know.