The Name of the One True Aluahim
When our Creator chooses to reveal any Truth to us, then it becomes our responsibility to either uphold and teach that Truth or deny that Truth along with choosing not to teach it to others. If we choose not to live according to the Truth revealed to us, then we are sinning against the Ruach HaQodash (Holy Spirit). And that is how we can lose our eternal life.
It is promised to us that anyone who does the will of our Creator will be adopted as His sons and daughters. And When we become adopted as YAHUAH’S children, He blesses us by placing His sacred name upon us. YAHUAH tells us,
Numbers 6:24-27: YAHUAH bless you and keep you; YAHUAH make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; YAHUAH lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. So they shall put My name on the children of Yasharal (Israel), and I will bless them.
It is a duty of every single one of YAHUAH’S children to gain knowledge of Him, for “The fear of YAHUAH is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10). And we are living in a time period where information is at our fingertips. We can no longer claim ignorance for not having access to ancient texts, such as, the Dead Sea Scrolls and Murashu documents, and along with the Hebrew and Greek Concordances, and informational videos, podcasts, and books.
This is the age of information, yet people rather choose to use these devices to distract themselves, to further submerse themselves into the world, for worldly and monetary gain, and to distance themselves from the Truth. If Aluahim brings something to light, and it is not searched out to learn, or denied, then it becomes a sin (refer to Romans 7:7). And sin is punishable by death (refer to Romans 6:23). If we truly love Aluahim with our whole heart, soul, and mind, then we will spend as much of our free time learning about Him – His name and His character.
Our heavenly Father has many titles that can be used to describe Him, such as, ADONAI, ALUAHIM, CREATOR, MAKER, THE ALMIGHTY, THE MOST-HIGH, THE HOLY ONE OF YASHARAL, and HEAVENLY FATHER.
It is also perfectly in alignment with the Bible to refer to the Son of Aluahim as: ADONAI, MASHIACH, SAVIOR, MASTER, JUDGE OF YASHARAL (ISRAEL), REDEEMER, PRINCE OF PEACE, PRINCE OF LIFE, KING OF YASHARAL, and the LAMB, along with a number of other titles.
Now, before we learn Their names with the proper pronunciation, let us quickly review Aluahim’s character.
Aluahim’s Character
When speaking to Moses, Aluahim said,
Exodus 9:16: And in very deed for this cause have I raised you up, for to show in you My power; and that My name (shem) may be declared throughout all the earth.
The Hebrew word used for name is Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance number 8034, shem: an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality; by implication honor, authority, character.
A name is more than just what we call someone, but it attributes to their character. By using someone’s name we are showing honor and respect to that person. We are declaring that we know their character. The name (shem) or character of our Creator is above all names, and is a mark or memorial between Him and those whom He reveals it to.
Peter tells us,
Acts 4:12: Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name (onoma) under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
The Greek word that Peter used for name, is onoma. This is Strong’s Concordance number 2087, which also holds similar meanings as the Hebrew word shem. In other words, there is no other character than that of Aluahim’s Salvation whereby we can gain everlasting life. We must know what that name is, what it means, and what is expected from us to be able to use that name.
See, a name is made up of more than just proper grammar and pronunciation. It holds personality, and characteristic traits. Knowing that Aluahim is loving, merciful, holy, perfect, and just, imprints a certain defining quality of His character in our minds. It builds an idea of whom He must be without even seeing Him face to face or calling Him by His actual name. Aluahim’s character is supposed to be acted out in every single one of His children. We are told, “Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). And only by studying His Word, will we learn how to be perfect.
Negative attributes of someone can put a bad taste in your mouth, and unfortunately many people today have a bad taste in their mouth when it comes to the Aluah of the Bible. The father of lies has done an excellent job of painting a very distorted and incorrect view of the Aluah of the Bible. He has led some to believe that He is this extremely unfair and angry Aluah always looking for vengeance. While some are led to believe that He is this all-encompassing, tender being, whom teaches free love. Which one is it? It is best to see how Aluahim describes Himself. When passing by Moses, He proclaimed,
Exodus 34:6-7: YAHUAH, YAHUAH Aluahim, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty.
The more we study the Bible, the more we learn about the true characteristics of Aluahim. The most beautiful characteristic of Aluahim is that of His mercy.
Psalm 103:17-18: But the mercy of YAHUAH is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him, and His righteousness unto children’s children; To such as keep His covenant, and to those that remember His commandments to do them.
No matter who we are, or the sins we have committed, including using the wrong name out of ignorance, He has granted us a chance at eternal life through accepting His Sacrifice and living for His Kingdom. His promise goes out to each and every one of us whom keep His covenant Law; His commandments, appointed times, and ordinances.
The Apostle tells us,
1 John 2:6: He that says he abides in Him ought himself also so to walk just as He walked.
Once we learn how Mashiach walked, we will then know how we should live, and Aluahim’s character or name will be in us. Notice how the above Scripture (Psalm 103:17-18) mentions that Aluahim shows mercy to those who keep His covenant and commandments. This right here tells us that Aluahim’s character is reflected in His Torah (Law). And we know that the Mashiach kept the whole Torah (Law) of Aluahim.
Throughout the ages, the names of both the Mashiach, and our heavenly Fathers have been translated many-a-times. The ancient Hebrew language has been changed by the Masoretes, whom are Babylonian priests disguised as Yahudim priests, the ancient Hebrew culture has been lost, while pagan cultures have been preserved, and the original Hebrew names have been altered. This is why it is even more important to learn Aluahim’s character, so that we can decipher between His Spirit (the Ruach) and any other spirit. Between His knowledge and the knowledge of the world.
Knowing someone’s character has more to do with building a relationship with them than just using their name. While the name is important, it is the character of that name that leads us to learning more about that person. When it comes to Aluahim especially, it is very important to learn how to build a healthy, long-lasting relationship that draws us closer to Him. When the Mashiach returns for the second time many people will be upset at those who taught them false attributes of Him. Says the Mashiach,
Matthew 7:22: Many will say to Me in that day, Master, Master, have we not prophesied in Your name? and in Your name have cast out devils? And in Your name done many wonderful works?
These people will be upset and confused when Mashiach professes to them,
Matthew 7:23: I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity.
Iniquity is another word for sin. And what is sin? “sin is the transgression of the Law” (1 John 3:4). See, it is easy to say you worship Aluahim by attending church or proclaiming to have faith in His Son, but James says, “Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being alone” (James 2:17). Aluahim asks us to show faith in Him by our works; by studying the Holy Scriptures – which is the testimony of Mashiach, praying diligently, practicing humility, and keeping His Law (Torah); His ten commandments, appointed times, and ordinances. This will align our character with His character, and therefore bring us closer to Him. We are told,
Isaiah 52:6: Therefore My people shall know My name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am Him that does speak: behold, it is I.
When we replace the word “name” for “character”, the above passage says, “My people shall know My character: therefore they shall know in that day that I am Him that does speak: behold, it is I”. Those who choose to worship Aluahim with all their heart, soul, and mind will constantly be looking for ways to bring glory and honor to Him. They will separate themselves from the world, and search out those who love Aluahim as much as they do. These people will often be contemplating His character, which reflects His Torah, along with His actual sacred name. We are told by the Prophet,
Malachi 3:16: Then they that feared YAHUAH spoke often one to another: and YAHUAH hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared YAHUAH, and that thought upon His name (or character).
Our Maker’s name is revealed to us by Moses, before he was granted the challenging task of leading the Hebrews out from under the bondage of the Egyptians. He said,
Exodus 6:3-4: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, as AL SHADDAI (Aluahim Almighty), but by My name YHWH was I not known to them? And I have established My covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, wherein they were strangers.
The passage above does not imply that the Patriarchs did not know Aluahim’s name, for Aluahim gave His name to Adam and it was passed down from generation to generation. Hence, our father Jacob (Yasharal) naming his fourth son Yahudah, in whom he knew Shiloh (Mashiach) would be born of that line. This name is:
YAHU (“Yud” “Heh” “Waw”) + Door (“Dalet”) + Revelation from Above (“Heh”)
This name means:
YAHUAH’S Door, the tribe of Yahudah (Judah), in which Mashiach (Shiloh) was to come through to reveal Himself, and establish Aluahim’s covenant with. This is Aluahim’s church (Body of Mashiach).
Every time Aluahim’s people went into captivity, some type of truth about the One True Aluahim was lost. And it was in the land of Egypt, that Aluahim’s people forgot the name of the One True Aluahim. Remember, punctuations were not added to Holy Writ until the Renaissance era. Our Creator is stating a rhetorical question to Moses when He says, “but by My name YHWH was I not known to them?” Our Creator had to remind His people who were being held captive in Egypt of many things. For example, His name, His ten commandments, His Sabbath, and His diet.
Notice, that before Moses’s day those who walked with Aluahim did not always call Him by His name, but rather Aluahim Almighty. This is because they knew Him by His character. Aluahim made an oath with Abraham while there were other worshippers of Him that lived on the earth at that time, but He specifically chose Abraham. Not because Abraham was a perfect man nor because he used Aluahim’s name, but because he obeyed Aluahim and kept His commandments. When speaking to Isaac, Aluahim puts it this way,
Genesis 26:5: Because that Abraham obeyed My voice, and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.
Abraham was obedient to Aluahim’s Word, His Law, and kept His commandments. This is how Abraham showed our Maker that he knew His character, by doing what Aluahim asked of him.
Aluahim even renamed Jacob after a long night of perseverance and prayer. He told him, “Your name is no longer called Jacob, but Israel (properly pronounced Yasharal), because you have striven with Aluahim and with men, and have overcome” (Genesis 32:28). All of this information is very important to know as we too strive to walk with Aluahim ourselves. The Mashiach tells us, “To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne” (Revelation 3:21).
What a beautiful promise to those who chase after righteousness, and live as Mashiach lived. The selfless sinner who picks up his stake, denies himself, and follows the Lamb wherever He leads. Who loves Aluahim more than the desires of the world, and the lusts of his flesh. These people are granted a new name, and a new family. And when our Savior returns, He will grant them a robe of righteousness and a crown of life.
We are told that the end days will be like the days of Noah. Most of the people on earth will be living the same selfish driven, sinful life, and will be unprepared when the Mashiach returns. Most people will not have striven to know Aluahim’s character. On the day of YAHUAH, all eyes will look toward the heavens to witness the glorious return of the Mashiach. They will notice that,
Revelation 19:12-14,16: His eyes were as flames of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a Name that had been written, which no one had perceived except Himself. His Name is called: The WORD of ALUAHIM. He has a name written: KING OF KINGS, AND MASTER OF MASTER’S.
Notice how no man will know the Saviors name when He returns. This is because His name will no longer be Aluahim’s Salvation, for the great controversy will have come to an end. This goes to show the importance of learning Aluahim’s character, and doing His will. The Mashiach says,
Matthew 7:21: Not everyone that says unto Me, Master, Master, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven.
The title god is not the equivalent to the Hebrew title Aluahim (wrongfully pronounced as Elohim or Alahim). You will hear me say this again, that Hebrew letters have much meaning, and when the Hebrew language is not used to describe the Aluahim of Yasharal, then the meaning gets lost. As the saying goes, “lost in translation”. Aluahim Himself made what we now call the ancient paleo Hebrew language to both create heaven and earth and to speak to His Prophets. Therefore, it is not our prerogative to translate His name or title into any other pagan language. For example, when the Tanakh (Old Testament Scriptures) was translated from Hebrew to the Greek Septuagint, the sacred name of YAHUAH was written in Hebrew and not translated into Greek.
The sounds of words are of much importance. We will shortly see that it doesn’t matter so much how a word is spelt, if it makes a certain sound, then it will invoke a specific deity. Let us first learn about the making of languages and how religion plays a major role in the creation of words.
Languages are influenced and created from the religious beliefs of groups or tribes of people. The words that are used to describe a people or a tribe’s deity either comes from the name of one of their deities or is influenced by one of their deities. For instance, the Greek word for deity is theos. Theos was used by the Greeks to describe one of their Olympian deities (i.e. Apollo, Hera, Nike, Zeus, etc.). Even the Greek word for victory is named after their deity Nike. Therefore, using the pagan title theos to describe our Creator is both inappropriate and offensive.
Another example, is the Arabic language which is highly influenced by the name of their deity, Allah. Like the phrase, Mashallah: god has willed it or Allah has willed it. The suffix of this word is Allah which is translated as god in English. It is translated as god but literally points to the name of the Muslim deity, Allah. The Arabic word Allah is deity specific, just as the Greek word theos is deity specific and the Anglo-Saxon word god is deity specific. I will shortly speak more on the topic of the Semitic word allah and its derivation but first, let’s learn more about the English word, god.
The English language was derived from the Germanic people and most specifically the Anglo-Saxons. Take for instance, the English word pagan, derived from the name of the Anglo-Saxon’s religion which was literally called paganism. The Anglo-Saxons worshipped many deities and incorporated both Norse and Greek mythology into their belief and lifestyle. For example, the English names for the days of the week (Sunday – Saturday) are all named after pagan Norse deities which derived from Greek and Roman mythology. After they converted to Christianity, the English term “pagan” began to be used to describe people who were not Christians. Although, the religion of Christianity is also in the modern use of the word, “pagan” – not the religion of our Creator.
The English word or title, god, which is commonly used to describe our Creator was derived from the Anglo-Saxons. The definition of the English word god means: “to call, to invoke”. Being that the Anglo-Saxons worshipped many pagan deities, the deity that they were calling upon or invoking was not YAHUAH – the creator of heaven, the earth, the seas, and everything in them. There is only one language that can and should be used to describe both YAHUAH and His Son, and that is ancient Hebrew – the language that YAHUAH Himself made in order to both create through the Word (Alef – Taw), and to speak to His Prophets (refer to Genesis 1:1, Psalms 33:6, Hebrews 1:1, 11:3).
The etymology of the word god can be traced further back than the Germanic languages of the 5th – 7th Century A.D. The word god is of Hebrew origin, and is linked to one of the oldest pagan deities known to man. This Hebrew word is גד Gad (Gawd) – “Gam” (modern Gimel) “Dal” (modern Dalet). It is Strong’s Concordance number 1407, 1408, 1409, and 1410; Gad. The phonetic spelling is: Gawd or God in English. This word has multiple meanings depending on the context but the main definition is: fortune, good fortune. Jacob’s son was named Gad because he was a good fortune to Leah.
The Hebrew word Gad was commonly used to describe something that was a good fortune or good luck. Unfortunately, just like many other Hebrew words, this word was also used as a name for a pagan Canaanite deity while also being used to describe one of the worst pagan deities mentioned in the Bible. This word is Strong’s Concordance number 1408, Gad (Gawd): a Babylonian deity. And also Strong’s Concordance number 1171, Baal Gad (בעל גד): Baal of fortune. Encyclopedia of the Bible says this about the word Gad.
“GAD (DEITY, A GOD) găd (גָּד, H1514; LXX Gen 30:11τύχη, fortune, troop KJV; Isa 65:11 δαίμων, G1230, fortune RSV, that troop KJV). A god of fortune, or good luck, worshiped by certain Sem. peoples. He is usually mentioned with Meni, “Destiny.” Isaiah proclaimed that the worshipers of Gad and Meni would suffer judgment (Isa 65:11). Some scholars find a reference to this deity in Leah’s naming of her son Gad (Gen 30:11). The popularity of the worship of this god among the Canaanites is manifested by the place names, Baal-gad (Josh 11:17; cf. 12:7; 13:5) and Migdal-gad (Josh 15:37), and the personal names, Gaddi and Gaddiel [properly; Gaddial: Aluahim is my fortune] (Num 13:10, 11). Gad has frequently been equated with the Babylonian god Marduk and with Jupiter.”
– Encyclopedia of the Bible. Gad.
The title gad (pronounced gawd), which can be spelt as god (g.o.d.) in English, is associated with many pagan deities including Baal, Marduk, and Jupiter. The pagan title god (gad, gawd) should never be used to describe YAHUAH Aluahim. There are many names for pagan deities that have derived from the Hebrew language and this is because the ancient Paleo-Hebrew language is quite possibly the oldest spoken language. It was spoken well before it was written, and its alphabet (aleph-beyt) preserves some of the same phonetics (sounds) of the most ancient cuniform tablets said to be written in other ancient languages such as, Sumerian, Babylonian, Elamite, Eblaite, Hittite, Hurrian, Urartian, or Akkadian. At some point these names or titles were used by YAHUAH’S people (sons of Aluah) to describe YAHUAH but were later used during their apostacy to describe other pagan deities.
The English language is just another pagan language made up by the Adversary in order for our tongues to cast spells and curses without us even realizing it. This is why we should both learn more about the original Hebrew language (Paleo-Hebrew) and practice guarding our words. By using the title, god, we are breaking YAHUAH’S commandments while invoking and giving worship to an ancient pagan deity. Remember, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). YAHUAH further tells us,
Exodus 23:13: And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other deities (aluahim), neither let it be heard out of your mouth.
Judges 10:14: Go and cry unto the deities (aluahim) which you have chosen [i.e. God, Lord, Jesus Christ, etc.]; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation.
Now look how we have been deceived. Below, are three translations of the same Scripture. The first translation is in pagan English or what we just call, English. The second is the English rendering translated back into Hebrew from English. The third is the direct Hebrew transliteration.
Psalm 55:16 (English): As for me, I will call upon God, And the LORD shall save me.
Psalm 55:16 (English-Hebrew) As for me, I will call upon Gad, And Baal shall save me.
Psalm 55:16 (Direct Hebrew Transliteration): As for me, I will call upon Aluahim, And YAHUAH shall save me.
I must ask you, who will you call upon in the time of trouble?
The Hebrew title Aluah or Aluahim is very specific in both identifying and giving due worship to the Creator of the heavens, the earth, the seas, and everything in them. The Aluahim of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the children of Yasharal (improperly rendered as Israel). Now we can move forward to breaking down the correct spelling and pronunciation of the Hebrew title for YAHUAH.
The Hebrew title אלהים (which is wrongfully pronounced Elohim) is spelt “Aleph” “Lamed” “Heh” “Yud” “Mem”. This title originates from the root word אלוה (Al-oo-ah) “Aleph” “Lamed” “Waw” “Heh”. It is important to notice that this root word is spelt with the letter “Waw” I in it. This is Strong’s Concordance number 433, Aluah: Deity, God. We have already discussed the word or title “god” and how it is an improper translation for the Hebrew title given to describe YAHUAH.
The Hebrew title אלהים “Aleph” “Lamed” “Heh” “Yud” “Mem” which is wrongfully rendered as Elohim should technically be spelt as אלוהים “Aleph” “Lamed” “Waw” “Heh” “Yud” “Mem” (Aluahim). Notice that the letter “Waw” I is missing from the word אלהים Elohim. This is due to the newer Hebrew language and it’s defective name spelling.
It is a commonly known fact that the Masoretic texts often times dropped a Hebrew letter that represented a vowel, then replaced it with a diacritical marking in order to tell the reader how the word is supposed to be pronounced. The main problem with this corrupted system is that the diacritical markings often times teach the reader an improper pronunciation of the word.
For example, the title אלהים which is improperly rendered as Elohim, the “Waw” is dropped after the ל “Lamed”, but it does not mean that the letter ו “Waw” shouldn’t be pronounced in the title. The Hebrew title אלהים which is improperly rendered as Elohim should be written and pronounced as אלוהים Aluahim (Al-oo-heem). In the plural form, the “heh”sound turns from a guttural stop (ah) to a hard “h” (hee) sound. The ים “Yud” “Mem” suffix at the end of the Hebrew word Aluah, simply makes the word plural, thus, Aluahim. I personally kept the English letter “a” in the written plural form so that the root word is still seen in the English rendering as it is seen in the correct Hebrew spelling.
The Masoretes also changed the sound of the first two letters א “Aleph” and ל “Lamed”. Aleph א + Lamed ל = AL not EL. The Adversary always hides the truth in plain-site. For example, the airline company EL-AL is spelt “Ayin” “Lamed” (EL) “Aleph” “Lamed” (AL).
This word Aluahim is masculine in form. This title is plural (“Yud” “Mem” makes it plural), but in the Bible, it usually takes a singular verb and refers to the One and only True Aluahim. Sometimes it is written as Aluah (singular in form), and other times as Aluahim (plural in form). The Hebrews knew that YAHUAH is One, yet cannot be contained in any shape or form. He can be in multiple places at once, and His Ruach is every. This is one of the reasons why the title Aluahim (plural) is used to describe our heavenly Father.
Many people out there understand that the first two letters “Aleph” א + “Lamed” ל makes the sound “AL” and not “EL”. They also understand that the sound often made after the Lamed ל is not an “o” sound but usually makes an “a” (ah) sound. But these people’s biggest mistake is that they, just like the Masoretes, omit the letter ו “Waw”. This is how they have come up with pronouncing the title אלהים (Alef, Lamed, Heh, Yud, Mem) as Alahim. The title Alahim is widely used amongst professed followers of YAHUAH, but is incorrect.
The title Alahim is simply the plural version of the Islamic deity, Allah. See, the word Allah is a Semitic word which comes from the Hebrew root word עלה Alah (Ayin, Lamed, Heh). This is Strong’s Concordance number 5927 עלה Alah: to go up, ascend, climb.
There is also an Aramaic version of the word אלה Alah (Aleph, Lamed, Heh). This is Strong’s Concordance number 426, Alah: God, god. This word is often times used as the shortened version of Aluahim. Although, this word also comes from the root word Aluah which is Strong’s Concordance number 433, אלוה (Al-oo-ah). Aluah is both the full spelling and the older spelling of the title for YAHUAH.
Muslims know that the word Allah is not a name but rather a title that is often times rendered in the Tanakh (Old Testament) as Most-High. Muslims falsely believe that Allah is the same deity as the Aluahim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but is just another pagan deity born out of Babylon the Great.
When the letters ים “Yud” and “Mem” are added to the end of a Hebrew word it becomes plural, like in the word Yahudim (Yud, Heh, Waw, Dalet, Yud, Mem) which describes the people (Hebrews) who lived in the land of Judea and were of the tribe of Yasharal. Therefore, the word Alahim would simply be rendered as Most-Highs (plural). Islam, just like modern Judaism and Christianity despises the One true Aluahim and His son. Therefore, they have all found a way to somehow take Mashiach out of the way. Both by their religious practices and by their language. Without the “Waw” which represents Yahushua HaMashiach, YAHUAH’S gift of Salvation is not possible.
The title Aluah has also been used to describe other pagan deities, but it was first used to describe our Creator – the Aluahim of Yasharal. Other deities came after the One True Aluahim, and since there was not another word for Aluahim at the time (being that the Hebrew language was the first spoken language), those who went out from the presence of YAHUAH (i.e. Cain and his descendants, refer to Genesis 4:16) referred to their pagan deities as Aluahim or Aluah. Shortly, they started naming their deities after other Hebrew words.
Multiple pagan deity names derive from the Hebrew. For example, the name of the pagan Greek deity Adonis, which derives from the Hebrew title Adonai. And the pagan deity Molech which is spelt the same as the Hebrew word for king. Also, one of the oldest pagan deities is named Baal. This is Strong’s Concordance number 1167, בַּעַל baal, which literally translates to Lord. This is the reason why I don’t use the title Lord.
The pagan title lord which is wrongfully translated from both Hebrew words Baal and Adonai (Hebrew), and Kyrios (Greek), can easily be replaced with Master or Sovereign. The pagan Greek title Kyrios was not the original title given to our Mashiach by His disciples. The disciples originally wrote the Brit Chadashah (New Testament Scriptures) in Hebrew/Aramaic and were later translated into Greek. In the Aramaic manuscripts, the word used in place of the pagan title Kyrios (Lord) was the Aramaic title Maryah. MarYah should be pronounced as MarYahu which means; Master YAHUAH, but is another one of those titles wrongfully translated as Lord.
The title Master, is a more proper rendering of both the Hebrew word Adonai, and the Greek word Kyrios, and there is no reason at all to use the Hebrew word Baal. The replacement of the name of YAHUAH Aluahim for the title “Lord” (Baal) and “God” (Gawd) which essential, makes up the title Baal-Gad (#1171), is blasphemy, and breaks commandments 1-3.
The first letter in the title Aluahim points to the One True Aluahim. This letter א “Aleph” can be seen as being composed of an upper “Yud”, a lower “Yud” and a “Waw” leaning on a diagonal. The upper “Yud” represents the hidden and ineffable aspects of Aluahim while the lower “Yud” represents Aluahim’s revelation and presence in the world. The “Waw” which is a “hook”, represents Mashiach whom connects the two worlds – heaven and earth. This is quite possibly why the Masoretes often times dropped the letter “Waw” and changed the sound of it to a modern Hebrew “Vav”. Because it represents the Mashiach – the son of YAHUAH and the king of Yasharal, in whom they despise. You hate the son, then you hate the Father.
The א “Aleph”:
- Is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet (number 1).
- Is the first letter in the word Achad (One).
- It represents the Oneness of Aluahim. Not two or three, but One.
- It begins the three words that make up אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה “I am who I am” (Exodus 3:14). This can also be interpreted as: “I will become what I choose to become”, “I am what I am”, “I will be what I will be”, “I create whatever I create”, and “I am the Existing One”.
- It is the first letter of the Hebrew word אֶמֶת (Emet or Amet) which means Truth.
- It is the first letter which starts off the ten commandments אָנֹכִי (anoki) which means “I Myself”. The ten commandments start by saying, “I am YAHUAH your Aluahim” (Exodus 20:2).
- It is the first letter of the word אֹ֑ור (ore) which means “a light”, and this is the very first Word spoken by Aluahim in Genesis 1:3.
- It is the first letter of the word אַהֲבָה (ahabah) which means “love”.
- It is the first letter in the title אלוהים (Aluahim).
Interestingly, each Hebrew letter has a pictograph – a picture or symbol with a meaning attached to it. Let’s take a look at each letter in the title Aluahim:
Aleph – a picture of an ox. Meaning power, authority, and strength.
Lamed – a picture of a shepherd’s staff. Meaning teach, yoke, bind.
Waw – a picture of a hook or nail. Points to the Mashiach our Savior.
Heh – a picture of a man with his hands to the heavens. Meaning to behold, reveal, look, and breath.
Yud – a picture of an arm and hand. Meaning of a mighty divine work or deed.
Mem – a picture of water. Meaning water, chaos, mighty, blood.
After putting these pictures and meanings together, the title Aluahim points to Him as our Creator and Savior. Below is the meaning of the title Aluahim:
A powerful Leader (Shepherd) and Savior, who, with His Breath performed a mighty work with water, and then became our Savior through His son, to perform yet another deed with blood.
Let’s take a look at a few verses in the story of Creation,
Genesis 1:2: And the earth was without form and void: and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit (Ruach: meaning Spirit or Breath) of Aluahim moved upon the face of waters.
Genesis 1:6-7: And Aluahim said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And Aluahim made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
The Prophet writes,
Isaiah 48:13: My hand also has laid the foundation of the earth, and My right hand has spanned the heavens…
And the Apostle writes,
Hebrews 1:10: And, You, Aluahim, in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of Your hands.
And let’s not forget the miracle of parting the Red Sea,
Exodus 14:21: And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea: and YAHUAH caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind (ruach: breath, spirit, or wind) all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.
And now, let’s take a look at a few Scriptures that tell us that YAHUAH gave His son’s blood on our behalf,
1 John 3:16: Hereby perceive we the love of Aluahim, because he [Yahushua] laid down his life for us…
Romans 5:9: Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
1 Peter 1:19-20: But with the precious blood of Mashiach, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.
1 John 5:5-8: Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Yahushua is the Son of Aluahim? This is he that came by water and blood, even Yahushua HaMashiach; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that bears witness, because the Spirit is Truth. For there are three that bear record, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
Every time we use the title אלהימ (Aluahim), we are showing our Creator that:
- We acknowledge Him in masculine form, and not some pagan female deity.
- We acknowledge that He is the Creator of heaven, earth, the seas, and everything in them. And, we believe the true Biblical cosmology.
- He is our Savior.
- He is Light (refer to John 8:12, Revelation 22:5).
- He is Truth (refer to John 14:16).
- He is Love (refer to 1 John 4:16).
- He is His Torah (refer to Psalm 119:142, Proverbs 6:23).
- He is One.
Isaiah 45:5: I am YAHUAH, and there is none else, there is no Aluahim beside Me!
Aluahim’s Name
Now, when it comes to the tetragrammaton YHWH (“Yud” “Heh” “Waw” “Heh”), there are two main interpretations; YAHWEH (Yah-way’), and JEHOVAH (Je-ho-vah).
We will soon learn that both of these translations are incorrect. But first, let us take a look at where the name JEHOVAH came from. The King James Bible (1611) has interpreted the tetragrammaton as: IEHOUAH. In newer Bible additions the “I” is replaced with a “J”, and the “U” is replaced with a “V”, making His name JEHOVAH. This brings up certain debate as the letter “J” and the letter “V” are both relatively new.
A Wikipedia article on the letter “J” says this: The letter “J” originated as a swash letter i, used for the letter “I” at the end of Roman numerals when following another “I”, as in ‘xxiij’ instead of ‘xxiii’ for the Roman numeral representing 23. A distinctive usage emerged in Middle High German. Gian Giorgio Trissino (1478-1550) was the first to explicitly distinguish I and J as representing separate sounds, in his “Trissino’s epistle about the letters recently added in the Italian language” of 1524. In the same article, it reads that the first English language book to make a clear distinction between “I” and “J” was published in 1633.
The letter “V” was pronounced as a “U” (oo) all the way up until the Gothic alphabet began to separate both letters “U” and “V” in 1386; however the use of the “U” was not widespread. The Classical Latin alphabet had only 23 letters, not the 26 that we have today. The newest letters are “J”, “V”, and “W”. The “W” is written as a double “V”, but pronounced like a double “U” (oo). The “W”, “V”, “O”, and “U” are represented in the Semitic abjads as the sixth letter “Waw”.
The “ו” Waw (modern Hebrew Vav) makes the sounds “U”, “O”, or “W” depending whether it is functioning as a consonant or a vowel. The Latin or Roman alphabet letters “U”, “W”, and “Y” derive from this Hebrew letter “Waw”. Take note, that the letter “Vav” is a newer Semitic abjad which replaced the ancient abjad “Waw”.
Essentially, this all means that JEHOVAH, along with any other names in the Bible spelt with a “J” to replace the “Yud” or a “V” to replace the ancient “Waw”, does not reflect their original Hebrew pronunciations. This includes the name, Jesus. The “J” in JEHOVAH does not represent the sound that the Hebrew letter “Yud” makes, but should rather make a modern English “Y” or double “E” sound depending on its function. And the “V” in JEHOVAH does not represent the sound that the ancient Hebrew letter “Waw” makes, but should rather make a modern English “U” with the sound of a double “O” (like in the word “who”).
Now, this would make one think that the name of Aluahim written in the King James Version Bible (1611) should look and sound like this: YEHOWAH (Ye-Ho-Wah). But this is completely wrong also, because the vowels used in between the YHWH are also incorrect.
The reason for the pronunciations of both YEHOWAH (JEHOVAH) and YEHOSHUA (JOSHUA) along with many other names is due to the corrupted Hebrew vowel pointing system created by the Masoretes. Between the 7th and 10th Centuries A.D., a group of modern Rabbinical Jews (Babylonian Talmud Pharisees) copied, edited, and distributed 24 Hebrew books of the Hebrew Bible. These texts are referred to as the Masoretic Texts. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are consonantal, and so in order to properly pronounce a word, the Jewish scribes added diacritical markings to show the reader how to properly pronounce the text. Even though the Hebrew alphabet is mainly consonantal there are many letters that can be used as a vowel. For instance, “Aleph”, “Ayin”, “Heh”, “Yud”, “Waw” became the Greek and Latin vowels we use in English, “A”, “E”, “I”, “O”, “U”.
These texts (Masoretic texts) have what is called ‘defective’ and ‘full name’ spellings. The full name spellings are names that are spelt with every single letter that makes up that name. Therefore, the pronunciation is more evident. Defective name spellings are names that have dropped a letter (most commonly a so-called vowel like “Waw”), and replaced it with a diacritical marking to denote a specific sound that the letters should make.
The main problem with this system is that many of the diacritical markings do not all match up with the spelling on numerous names, and therefore creates a mispronunciation of that name. Ancient Hebrews knew how to properly pronounce a name if a letter was dropped, but modern Hebrew speakers rely on the corrupted diacritical markings and thus, often times mispronounce a name.
It is said that the name of our Creator (YHWH) was purposely given markings that would mispronounce His name in order to not break the third commandment. Today, each Rabbinical professor carries on this same lie and teaches their naive students how to wrongfully pronounce Aluahim’s name along with many other names and words, including the name of the Mashiach. Interestingly, all these people are breaking YAHUAH’S commandment by not calling upon and praising His name as countless Scriptures often tell us to call upon and praise the name of YAHUAH. We read,
Psalm 148:13: Let them praise the name of YAHUAH, For His name alone is exalted; his glory is above the earth and heaven.
Psalm 105:1: Give thanks to YAHUAH. Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples.
Psalm 74:18: Remember this, the enemy has reproached YAHUAH and a foolish people have blasphemed Your name.
The Masoretic texts present notable differences from both the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint, and the diacritical markings (below and above the letters) are inconsistent throughout the texts. For example,
The Masoretic texts have pronounced names that begin with “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” as: Yeho, and Yehu.
Examples of names below:
- יְהֹושׁ֣וּעַ which is rendered as Yeho-Shua (Joshua in modern English).
- יְהוֹשָׁפָ֖ט which is rendered as Yeho-Shaphat (Jehoshaphat in modern English).
- יֵהוּא which is rendered as Yehu (Jehu in modern English)
And all the names that end with “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” are pronounced as Yahu.
Examples of names that end in “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” are below:
- יְשַֽׁעְיָ֣הוּ which is rendered as Yesha-Yahu (Isaiah in modern English).
- יְחִזְקִיָּ֔הוּ which is rendered as Yehizqi-Yahu (Hezekiah in modern English).
- זְכַרְיָה֙ which is rendered as Zechar-Yahu (Zechariah in modern English).
One of the only names that begins with “Yud” “Heh” and is spelt in English with an “A” (to make the ah sound), is יָ֔הּ which is rendered as YAH (Yaah) – the first two letters of Aluahim’s name. We will shortly see that this name should properly be rendered as: YAHU (Ya-hoo). Also, I would be cautious in using this supposed shortened version of Aluahim’s name that much of the world uses; Iah, Yah, Jah, or Aah, because it is just another name for a pagan Egyptian moon deity.
Remember, it is the Adversary that has deceived the whole world into calling upon pagan deities by either shortening a name, or spelling it differently. The Patriarchs of old did not call our Creator by this shortened version (YAH), neither did they call Him “Lord”. And today, we should not call Him “God” (Gad). Just like the Prophets of old, we should use our Creator’s full name.
People will say that David wrote our Creators name as יה (“Yud” “Heh”), and that the word הללויה which is improperly rendered as Halleluiah, means, to give praise to Yah. We can find this word often used in the Psalms. This word is made up of two different words: Halelu (הללו) + “Yud” “Heh” (יה). Halelu comes from the word Halal, which means: praise or to give praise. And “Yud” “Heh” is the shortened version of our Creator’s name. These two letters (“Yud” “Heh”) is not Jah (Yah or Iah), but should rather be pronounced as YAHU.
Remember that I mentioned earlier that the Hebrew letter “Waw” is often times dropped from names. This case of הללויה is one of the numerous examples in which the “Waw” was dropped, and the name is mispronounced. Therefore, people are giving praise to Yah – an Egyptian moon deity instead of our Creator – YAHUAH.
This Hebrew word הללויה, which is meant to give praise to the Most-High should be pronounced as HalleluYahu or we could just use His full name by either saying Hallelu-YAHUAH or Halal YAHUAH. It can be rendered as HalaluYahu or Halalu-YAHUAH, since the root word is Halal (not Halel).
The Hebrew word הללויה which is wrongfully rendered as Hallelujah, most definitely does not mean, praise the Lord (replacing “Yud” “Heh” for Lord), which technically means, praise Baal. Nor does it mean praise Yah, which yet again, gives praise to another pagan deity. HalleluYahu or HallaluYahu (הללויה) means: Praise YAHUAH.
We will further expound upon the concept of the “Waw” often-times being dropped in order to cause a mispronunciation in a name. But first, let’s answer three questions that might be circulating in your mind.
- If the beginning of Aluahim’s name, “Yud” “Heh” is rendered as YAH in the Masoretic texts, then why is YEHOWAH (JEHOVAH) spelt with an “E” and pronounced as “eh” instead of an “A” and pronounced as YAHOWAH?
- What is the correct way to both spell and pronounce names that both begin and end with “Yud” “Heh” and “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” in them? Is it with an “A” (to make an “ah” sound) or with an “E” (to make an “eh” sound)?
- Does this mean that Aluahim’s name is YAHWEH?
The reason why the tetragrammaton YHWH in the King James Version Bible 1611 is spelt with an “E” in between the “Yud” (modern English “J”) and the “Heh” (English “H)’, is because much of the Textus Receptus derived Bibles were translated from Masoretic texts. And in these texts, the names that begin with “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” were given the markings to indicate an “E” (eh) sound.
One of the most beautiful characteristics of our Creator is that He never leaves His children without proof of His Word. For example, archeologists have discovered remnants of chariot wheels underneath the Red Sea, remains of Noah’s ark in Mount Ararat, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Murashu documents.
The Murashu documents are clay tablets written in Cuneiform text. Cuneiform is a logo-syllabic script which contain vowels, and was used to write several languages of the Ancient Middle East. The Murashu documents contain a list of around 80 individual names of Judean (Yahudim) descendants who were still living in Babylonia in the late 5th Century B.C. (during the days of Ezra and Nehemiah). These are some of the oldest writings we have concerning the Hebrew and Aramaic language. About the spelling and pronunciation of these Judean (Yahudim) names, a former Professor of Assyriology at Oxford University writes,
“In the cuneiform texts Yeho [“Yud” “Heh” “Waw”], Yo [“Yud” “Heh”] and Yah [“Yud” “Heh”] are written Yahu, as for example in the names Jehu (Yahu-a), Jehoahaz (Yahu-khazi) and Hezekiah (Khazaqi-yahu)”
– Archibald Henry Sayce in Higher Criticism on p. 87
As far back as 500 years before Mashiach walked the earth, the Hebrew people pronounced names with “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” and even along with “Yud” “Heh”, as Yahu (Ya-hoo). Whether these letters were at the end or beginning of a name, they were all pronounced as Yahu (Ya-hoo).
This changes the spelling and pronunciation of all the names written in the corrupted Masoretic texts that begin with “Yud” “Heh” and “Yud” “Heh” “Waw”. Below are just a few examples:
- יהושוע Yeho-Shua (Joshua) becomes Yahu-Shua.
- יְהוֹשָׁפָ֖ט Yeho-Shaphat (Jehoshaphat) becomes Yahu-Shaphat.
- יֵהוּא Yehu (Jehu) becomes Yahu.
- יוֹאֵ֖ל Yowel (Joel) becomes Yahuel (properly Yahual).
And there are countless other Hebrew names that begin with either “Yud” “Heh” or “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” in which all should properly be rendered as: Yahu.
And concerning these same ancient writings, the Semantic scholar M.D. Coogan writes,
“In all these names the first portion of the names appears as YAHU and never as YEHO”.
– Patterns in Jewish Personal names in the Babylonian Diasporia by M.D. Coogan; Journal for the Study of Judaism, Vol. IV, No. 2, p. 183f.
This would be the same for both the first two and three letters of Aluahim’s name “Yud” “Heh” (YH) and “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” (YHW), in which both would be spelt and pronounced as YAHU (Ya-hoo).
This simply leaves the last “Heh” at the very end of “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” “Heh”. The Hebrew letter “Heh” is similar to the modern English letter “H” in the words hat or hey, except when it is presented at the end of a word or name. When “Heh” is at the end of a word or name, it indicates a guttural stop or an “ah” sound. This means that the name of “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” “Heh” (YHWH) should be pronounced as so:
YAHUAH (Ya-hoo-ah).
Exodus 3:15: Moreover Aluahim said to Moses, Thus you shall say to the children of Yasharal (Israel): YAHUAH Aluahim of your fathers, the Aluahim of Abraham, the Aluahim of Isaac, and the Aluahim of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.
When Aluahim’s name is shortened to “Yud” “Heh” and wrongfully pronounced as Yah (an Egyptian moon deity) instead of YAHU, then it leads people to think that all they need to add is the “Waw” and the last “Heh” to come up with Yahweh. Now, this is where people get confused. They will separate His name into two separate syllables, keeping “Yud” “Heh” as Yah (which is wrong to start off with), and then putting “Waw” and “Heh” (WH) together to make Weh. This is how they come up with Yahweh, or the more modern Hebrew version Yahveh.
First off, our Creators name has never changed (refer to Malachi 3:6). The Hebrew language as morphed, but the pronunciation of our Creator’s name has been the same since the very beginning. Therefore the letter “Waw” should not be pronounced as a modern “Vav” (“V” sound), but rather represents the vowels “U” and “O” producing the sound “oo” like in the word רוּחַ ruach (roo-akh). So, the modern version Yahveh is completely inaccurate.
Second, the name “Yud” “Heh” (rendered as Yah) is not a single syllable name as most are led to believe, but is a two-syllable name, and should be pronounced as: YAHU (Ya-hoo). The “Waw” (representing the English vowel “U”) is often times dropped from Hebrew names, but does not mean that it should not be pronounced. This is called a defective spelling, and we will talk more about defective and full name spellings in the next subchapter – The Name of the Mashiach. The name “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” (YHW) is also a two-syllable name, and is pronounced the same as “Yud” Heh” (YH) – as YAHU (Ya-hoo). And the name “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” “Heh” (YHWH) is a three-syllable name, YAHUAH (Ya-hoo-ah). Basically, whether the shortened version of His name is spelt YH or YHW, it produces the same sound, which is YAHU.
When Aluahim’s full name is pronounced as “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” “Heh” (YHWH), the first “Heh” (H) is in the middle of the name, therefore, making a traditional “H” sound. Then, the “Waw” (W) becomes the vowel sound like a “U” or double “O” (oo), and the second “Heh” (H) at the end now becomes the guttural stop (ah) producing: YAHUAH (Ya-hoo-ah).
Joel 2:32: And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of YAHUAH shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Yarushalam there shall be deliverance, as YAHUAH has said, even among the remnant whom YAHUAH calls.
The Name of the Mashiach
The Mashiach’S name in Hebrew characters is identical to that of both the son of Nun (successor to Moses), and the son of Yahuzadak (Josedech). The Mashiach’S name was prophesied by the Prophet Zechariah (Zecharyahu). It reads,
Zechariah 6:9-13: And the Word of YAHUAH came unto me, saying, Take of them of the captivity, even of Heldai, of Tobijah (Toviyahu), and of Jedaiah (Yedayahu), which are come from Babylon, and come thou the same day, and go into the house of Josiah (Yoshiyahu) the son of Zephaniah (Tzefanyahu); Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Joshua (Yahushua) the son of Josedech (Yahuzzadak), the high priest; And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh YAHUAH of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The Branch; and He shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of YAHUAH: Even He shall build the temple of YAHUAH; and He shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon His throne; and He shall be a priest upon His throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.
This passage is clearly speaking about the Mashiach – our King and High Priest, who is “the BRANCH” mentioned also in Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu). Which reads,
Jeremiah 23:5: Behold, the days come, says YAHUAH, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
Yahushua (Joshua) the son of nun and Moses’s successor had the same name as the Mashiach. The leader Joshua (Yahushua) was the antitypical Savior that brought Aluahim’s people out from wandering in the wilderness and into the land of Canaan where Yarushalam (Jerusalem) was built. When Aluahim returns, He will deliver His scattered sheep out of this desolate land and into New Canaan or New Yarushalam, as John writes. As most people know that the Mashiach’S name is supposed to mean YAHUAH’S Salvation, we will shortly see that the name Yahushua holds a deeper meaning.
The name Yahushua (Joshua) has been transcribed in Hebrew Scripture as both יהושע and יהושוע. We have discovered that the letters “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” (YHW) in the beginning of His name is not supposed to be spelt as Yeho (Yeh-hoo) but rather Yahu (Ya-hoo). Now, notice the two separate spellings of this name.
- יהושע Yud Heh Waw Shin Ayin (Yahu-sha)
- יהושוע Yud Heh Waw Shin Waw Ayin (Yahu-shua)
These two different spellings have misled many to believe that this name is supposed to be spelt and pronounced as YAHUSHA (Ya-hoo-sha). Variant spellings are common in Hebrew names. Even though the extra “Waw” (W) to make the added sound “oo” is taken out, it does not necessarily mean that the ancient Hebrew’s did not pronounce it. This is a similar example to Aluahim’s name. For example, when the “Waw” in the first three letters “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” (YHW) is left out, it still produces the same exact sound as “Yud” “Heh” (YH), which is: YAHU (Ya-hoo).
The second “Waw” in the word יהושוע “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” “Shin” “Waw” “Ayin” (Yahu-shua) acts like the vowel “U” or double “O” (oo). When Hebrew is written, the letters that represent vowel sounds are not always placed in the word, and this is called ‘defective’ name spellings. This would mean that the name יהושע “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” “Shin” “Ayin” is pronounced the same as the longer version or full name spelling as יהושוע “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” “Shin” “Waw” “Ayin”. Ancient Hebrew speakers knew to pronounce the extra “Waw” (W) in the name, even if it was not written. Therefore, the full name of our Mashiach is יהושוע Yahushua. Both of the spellings, יהושע and יהושוע should be pronounced as Yahushua.
The defective name spelling of Yahushua is written at least 246 times in the Masoretic texts. And the full name spelling is written only twice, but that does not mean that the defective name spelling is the proper way to pronounce the name.
The Dead Sea Scrolls which date as far back as the 3rd Century B.C. have recorded the full name spelling (or longer version) יהושוע “Yud” “Heh” “Waw” “Shin” “Waw” “Ayin” (Ya-hoo-shoo-aah) many more times than the Masoretic texts. For instance, in Joshua 8:3, Joshua 6:7, and Deuteronomy 3:21 the full name is written in the Dead Sea Scrolls whereas the defective name is spelt in the Masoretic texts. This means that Mosheh (Moses) being the man of Aluahim that he was, and Yahushua (Joshua) who actually had the name יהושוע, both spelt it with the extra “Waw” at the end. Typically, the older and longer version is the more correct version. Therefore, the name of our Mashiach is properly pronounced as:
Yahushua (Ya-hoo-shoo-aah)
People have argued that the word shua means desolation or vanity. Well, there are two separate Hebrew words that sound similar but are spelt different and have different meanings. The first is Strong’s Concordance number 7723 שוא (“Shin” “Waw” “Aleph”) shua/shuwa: emptiness, vanity.
The second is Strong’s Concordance number 7769 שוע (“Shin” “Waw” “Ayin”) shua/shuwa: a cry for help.
As these two words share two letters, they do not share a common root. We also have common sounding words in English that are spelt different and have different meanings. For example, two, to, too. And there, their, they’re.
The word shua (“Shin” “Waw” “Ayin”) is recorded being used as or in multiple Hebrew names. For example, Yahudah’s (Judah) wife was named Shua (refer to Genesis 38:2, 38:12, and 1 Chronicles 2:3, 7:32). And it is also the suffix in the name of David’s son, אלישוע Alishua (Al-ee-shoo-ah) – Aluahim is my Salvation (refer to 2 Samuel 5:15, 1 Chronicles 14:5), and Aaron’s grandson אבישוע Abishua (Ab-ee-shoo-ah) – My father is rescue (refer to 1 Chronicles 6:4).
The word שוע shua (“Shin” “Waw” “Ayin”) originates from the word yasha. This is Strong’s Concordance number 3467 yasha: to deliver, help, rescue, preserve, defend, avenge, safety, welfare.
Yasha is the shortened version of the word Yashua. The root word Yasha is found in multiple forms such as; Yasha, Yesha, and Y’shuah (Yashuah, Yeshuah). These are Strong’s Concordance numbers, 3467 – Yasha used 206 times, 3468 – Yesha used 36 times, and 3444 – ישועה (Yeshuah) used 77 times.
The Prophets and the Psalmists use a form of the word Yasha at least 319 times in the Tanakh (Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures). These words that represent salvation, deliverance, help, rescue, preserve, defend, avenge, safety, and welfare is most often times used to describe the coming Mashiach – Yahushua, whom is YAHUAH’S Salvation. They are crying out to YAHUAH for His Salvation.
Let’s take a look at some Scriptures that use these Hebrew words that have all been translated as Salvation. The below Scriptures make it clear that all of the Prophets were crying out to YAHUAH and asking for His Mashiach to deliver them. They all awaited the day that Aluahim would send forth His Salvation or in other words, that YAHUAH’S son would come into world to deliver them from their iniquity.
- Isaiah 12:2: Behold, Aluahim is my salvation (Yeshuah); I will trust, and not be afraid; for YAHUAH is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation (Yeshuah).
- Isaiah 52:7: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation (Yeshuah), who says to Zion, Your Aluahim reigns.
- Psalm 35:9: And my soul shall be joyful in YAHUAH: it shall rejoice in His salvation (Yeshua).
- Exodus 15:2: YAHUAH is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation (Yeshuah): He is my Aluahim, and I will praise Him; My father’s Aluahim, and I will exalt Him.
- Exodus 14:13: And Moses said unto the people, Fear you not, stand still, and see the salvation (Yeshuah) of YAHUAH, which He will show to you today: for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you shall see them again no more forever.
- Jonah 2:9: But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay what I have vowed. Salvation (Yeshuah) is of YAHUAH.
- Psalm 3:8: Salvation (Yeshuah) belongs unto YAHUAH: Your blessing is upon Your people. Selah
- Psalm 27:1: YAHUAH is my light and my salvation (Yesha); whom shall I fear? YAHUAH is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
- II Samuel 22:47: YAHUAH lives; and blessed be my Rock; and exalted be the Aluahim of the Rock of my salvation (Yesha).
- Psalm 18:35: You have also given me the shield of Your salvation (Yesha): and Your right hand has held me up, and Your gentleness has made me great.
- Habakkuk 3:13: You went forth for the salvation (Yesha) of Your people, even for salvation with Your anointed; You wounded the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation unto the neck. Selah.
- Psalm 132:16: I will also clothe her priests with salvation (Yesha): and her saints shall shout aloud for joy.
- Isaiah 62:11: Behold, YAHUAH has proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say you to the daughter of Zion, Behold, Your salvation (Yesha) comes; behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him.
- Genesis 49:18: I have waited for your salvation (Yeshuah), O YAHUAH.
- Psalm 119:166: YAHUAH, I have hoped for Your salvation (Yeshuah), and done Your commandments.
- Psalm 116:13: I will take the cup of salvation (Yeshuah), and call upon the name of YAHUAH.
- Isaiah 59:17: For He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation (Yeshuah) on His head; He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak.
In the last Scripture (Isaiah 59:17), YAHUAH is telling us that He will become our Savior through the means of His son – Yahushua HaMashiach. Paul, in the letter to Ephesus clearly tells us who YAHUAH is referring to when He spoke to the Prophet Isaiah,
Ephesians 6:17: And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of Aluahim.
The Word of Aluahim is none other than Yahushua HaMashiach (refer to John 1:1). He is our Salvation. He is the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaQodash). And he will fight for us. Yahushua – our king and savior, tells us to, “Search the Scriptures”. Then he further goes on to say,
John 5:39: … for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
Surely, the Scriptures are a testimony of YAHUAH becoming our Yasha, Yesha, and Y’shuah, through His son and Mashiach; Yahushua – YAHUAH’S salvation, deliverance, help, rescue, preserve, defend, avenge, safety, and welfare.
Today, there are many who proclaim that the name of the Mashiach is Yahusha (the defective spelling of the full name Yahushua). They will say that the word Sha is a shortened version of the word Yasha, but there is not one Scripture that spells the word Yasha without the “Yud” to just make the word “sha”. The word Sha is not the shortened version of the word Yasha. Rather, Yasha is the shortened version of the word Y’shua (Yashua/Yeshua).
These same people will also use the example of the Prophet אלישע (Al-ee-sha) who was the disciple of Aliyahu (Elijah). But the name אלישע (Alisha), which is Strong’s Concordance number 477, is the shortened version of the name אלישוע Alishua. Both names have the same meaning – Aluahim is my Salvation. Just because the “Waw” was left out of the Prophet’s name, does not mean that is shouldn’t be pronounced.
Others will argue the fact that the name YESHUA is the Aramaic equivalent to Yahushua, so it is just fine to use. This name is recorded by Ezra in the book of Ezra and parts of the two Chronicles in which he wrote part of, and also by Nehemiah in the book of Nehemiah. We have come to learn that it is a common practice in the Hebrew language to drop vowel-like letters in names (also called defective names), but were still pronounced as if it were written in the full form. The name ישוע Y’shua (“Yud” “Shin” “Waw” “Ayin”), which is improperly rendered as Yeshua, was written by the Prophets with the vowel-like letters “Heh” and “Waw” dropped from it. The Hebrews in that day knew that the name ישוע Y’shua was to be pronounced as יהושוע Yahushua. We know this because of the Murashu documents.
The Hebrew word ישועה Yeshuah or Yashuah simply means “salvation”, while the Hebrew name יהושוע Yahushua specifically means “YAHUAH’S Salvation”. These two words are both spelt different (notice the “Heh” at the end of Yeshuah), and they hold different meanings.
Hebrew names hold much meaning, and they also point to the Aluahim in whom they worship. For example, when Danial (Daniel) – meaning Aluahim is my judge, and his three friends Chananyahu (Hananiah) – meaning YAHUAH is gracious, Mikaal (Michael) – meaning who is like or resembles Aluahim, and Azaryahu (Azariah) – meaning YAHUAH has helped, became captive in Babylon, the prince of the eunuchs changed their names. This name change took away both YAHUAH’S name and title (Aluahim) being in them, which pointed to YAHUAH – the One True Aluahim as their Aluah, and they were given pagan Babylonian names that gave reverence to Baal, and other pagan deities (refer to Daniel 1:6-7).
Babylon then, knew the significance of having YAHUAH’S name in His people, and Babylon still, knows the significance in changing a name from being Aluah specific (having YAHUAH’S name in Him) to being non-Aluah specific (not having YAHUAH’S name in Him).
In Hebrew, a name is more than just showing which Aluah you belong to, but it describes a person’s character. For example, Ya’aqob (Jacob) means supplant. Supplant means to supersede another, especially by force or treachery. Ya’aqob deceived His Father into giving the first-born birth right to him, and this made Ya’aqob whom was technically younger than Esau, above Esau. Ya’aqob was eventually forgiven by both his brother Esau, and Aluahim. During a long night of prayer and wrestling with Aluahim, he was renamed Yasharal which means: one who has power as a righteous prince with Aluahim, because he has overcome. Ya’aqob’s character changed overnight, and was no longer viewed as a supplanter. We are not called the children of Ya’aqob (the supplanter), but the children of Yasharal: one who has power as a righteous prince with Aluahim, because he has overcome.
For more information on the proper spelling and pronunciation of Yasharal (Israel), please read the article, Yasharal – YAHUAH’S Firstborn Son.
We already discussed how the letter “J” was not invented until the 17th Century A.D., so the name Jesus is definitely not the name of the Mashiach. The name Jesus comes from the Greek name Iesous (Ee-ay-sooce’). Iesous is supposedly the closest Greek translation they could come up with for the name Yahushua (modern English Joshua) in the Greek Septuagint. As Yahushua means YAHUAH’S salvation, the name Iesous means Zeus is my strength. See, the Greeks were a pagan gentile nation, and so their interpretation would have also been pagan. A people or tribe’s language is influence by their religious beliefs.
English speakers today are not using the modern English transliteration of The Hebrew name יהושוע, which would be rendered as Yahushua, but rather using the English translation of the Greek translated name Iesous, which is Jesus.
A transliteration is taking a language that has different characters than ours, for example, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, etc., and using our letters to make the same sounds. See, we have all of the letters we need in English to properly write and pronounce the name יהושוע Yahushua.
A translation is when we do not have the letters to properly make the same sounds as the language that is being interpreted. This is the case for the Greek translation of the Hebrew name יהושוע Yahushua, which was rendered in the Greek Septuagint as Iesous. This name was then translated yet again into English as Jesus.
See, the name Jesus is the second time the Mashiach’S name was translated. Not transliterated (making the same sound), but translated (creating an entirely different sound and meaning). Jesus is a completely different name, and a completely different deity.
The supposed English translation of the Mashiach’S name which all of Christendom (a pagan religion) uses, does not come from His Hebrew name, but from the Greek name Iesous Chrio (Jesus Christ in modern English). This is an entirely different name with an entirely different meaning. Iesous is said to mean “God is salvation”, and Christos is said to mean “anointed one”, but we will shortly break down the true meanings and etymology of these words. The name Jesus Christ was born out of the pagan Greek culture, and not from the Hebrew culture, so we must dig deeper in order to not be deceived.
A country’s language is highly influenced by its religious beliefs and traditions. For example, the word hades is a Greek word for the name of the pagan Greek deity of the underworld, yet it is synonymously used to describe the grave (where the dead are buried). The Greeks (a gentile nation) did not worship YAHUAH – the Creator of the heavens, the earth, the seas, and everything in them. Therefore, the definition of the name Iesous being “God’s salvation” does not point to the Hebrew Aluahim – YAHUAH, but rather a Greek or Roman pagan deity such as, Zeus (Greek) or Jupiter (Roman). This means that Iesous means: Zeus’s Salvation or Zeus’s Strength.
Jesus Christ is the one whom our true Mashiach warned us about when He said,
John 5:43: I am come in My Father’s name [YAHUAH], and you receive Me not: if another shall come in his own (idios) name, him you will receive.
Let’s take a moment to learn more about the Greek word that the Mashiach purposely chose for “own”. This is Strong’s Concordance number 2398, idios: one’s own, apart, aside, due, private or separate. This same Greek word idios or Latin idiota or Old French idiot became the modern English word used to describe a person of low intelligence, a layman, or an ignorant person. Keep this in mind as we move forward to better understanding the origin and meaning of the words Christian and Chrio.
Now for the word Christ. The English word Christ comes from the Greek and Latin word Christos which is literally translated as: “the smeared one”. The closest Greek word to the Hebrew word Mashiach (anointed one) is chrio. This is Strong’s Concordance number 5548, chrio (khree-o): Probably akin to chraomai through the idea of contact; to smear or rub with oil, i.e. (by implication) to consecrate service – anoint.
Yahushua’s disciples would have not gone around teaching the Gentile nations about Iesous Chrio – the smeared one of Zeus’s strength or Zeus’s salvation. They would have used the Mashiach’S Hebraic name along with the Hebrew word for anointed one – Mashiach. Even when they preached in the Greek language they would have not translated either YAHUAH’S name nor Yahushua’s name. And they would have used more appropriate words and concepts to describe both who Yahushua and his doctrine was.
Now for the word Christian. They tell you that the definition of the word Christian means: “one who belongs to Christ (the smeared one)”. But this is a newer concept, for the word Christian was used secularly during the time of the Mashiach, but it did not hold the same meaning as it does today. The Greek word “Christian” comes from the word “Christianus” which derives from the root word cretin (which can sound like Christian). The word cretin is literally translated as: an idiot or moron. It was the pagans in Antioch (refer to Acts 11:26) who first used this word “cretin” to belittle, offend, and mock the true disciples of Mashiach – the Natsarim (refer to Acts 24:5). See, the word “Christian” was originally used derogatorily. Yahushua’S disciples never called themselves by this hateful word, but rather encouraged one another to continue preaching the Word even if they were called bad names. Peter writes,
1 Peter 4:16: If [you suffer as a] Christian, do not be ashamed, [but is to] glorify Aluahim in this name.
The words [you suffer as a] and [but is to] are added words, and are not written in the Greek. And the words “in this” are improperly translated. This can easily be rendered as,
1 Peter 4:16: If [you are called a] Christian (an idiot or moron), do not be ashamed, but rather glorify YAHUAH which is His name.
It wasn’t until the Catholic church (meaning: the universal church) adopted the name “Christian” that the word began to have a religious connotation. They used this term to attach it to their new pagan deity named Iesous Chrio – the smeared or anointed one of Zeus’s strength. So then all who were called “Christians” (cretins) were by definition those who followed or belonged to the Chrio (Christos or Christ).
Take note, that Jupiter is the Roman equivalent to the Greek deity Zeus who is openly worshipped in the Vatican under the guise of a bronze statue with the supposed name “St. Peter”, whose big-toe is regularly kissed at certain ceremonies.
It was easier to infiltrate an already established corrupted church than to start a brand new one, so Satan used the already weakened state of the churches that Paul set up in pagan (Gentile) nations as a counterfeit to the true religion of Mashiach. The religion of Christianity was more appealing to pagans because it was mixed with Platonic philosophy which was intriguing to intellectuals, and Greek mythology which was more familiar and widely accepted amongst the Romans. Rome then forcefully spread this religion unto its citizens and by the 4th Century A.D. Christianity was the new pagan religion of the Roman Empire, and still is to this very day.
The Catholic church changed the name of the Mashiach to Iesous Christos (Jesus Christ in modern English), they elevated the son of YAHUAH to become Aluahim (God), they destroyed the original Aramaic New Testament Scriptures and re-wrote their own version in Greek and Latin, they martyred the true followers of Mashiach, they re-wrote history, they created false science, they changed the geographical maps, they re-defined sin, and they changed our Creator’s calendar. The pagan Christian church has hidden the knowledge of our Creator and have taught lies in replace of the Truth.
Now all of that is the exact definition of the word blasphemy which is Strong’s Concordance number 988, blasphemia: blasphemy. HELPS Word study says this about the Greek word blasphemia: slow to call something good and slow to call something bad. “switches” right for wrong (wrong for right), i.e. calls what God [Aluahim] disapproves, “right” which “exchanges the truth of God [Aluahim] for a lie”.
The universal church (the R.C.C) has created a group of cretins (Christians) who are uneducated, ignorant, and misinformed in the Word of YAHUAH. Following a pagan deity (Jesus Christ), whose name has been changed and translated so many times throughout history that they do not even know who they are worshipping. Remember, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). The true followers of Mashiach no longer identify with this pagan mockery of a name – Christian, but rather as the Natsarim – those who follow the One that came from Nazareth.
The writers of the Greek New Testament were Galilean (Hebrews) whom spoke both Hebrew and Aramaic, and often times did not purposely translate Hebrew and Aramaic words into the Greek, such as Hosanna (O Aluahim, save us), Rabbouni (teacher), Abba (Father), and many more. Yahushua Himself also spoke both Hebrew and Aramaic (refer to Luke 4:16, Acts 26:14), and He is recorded using His native tongue of Aramaic while on the stake right before His death, “Yahushua cried with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” (Mark 15:34). The word Eloi is another example of the Masoretic corruption of the Hebrew Scriptures. The title Eloi comes from the word Aluah and thus, the proper pronunciation of what the Mashiach said is, Aluah and not Eloi.
Let’s take a moment to realize that the Brit Chadashah (New Testament Scriptures) were originally written in the author’s original Hebrew tongue, then later translated into the Greek for the Gentiles. Many will argue that the Brit Chadashah (New Testament Scriptures) was originally written in Greek, but this is not true. The Greek manuscripts were the only writings that were preserved, and the Hebrew manuscripts were lost and or destroyed. Paul tells us that,
Romans 1:16: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Mashiach, for it is the power of Aluahim to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Yahudim (Jews) first and also for the Greek.
Notice that the gospel went out to the Yahudim (Jews) first. It would only then make sense to have written the Gospels, Epistles, Acts, and Letter to the Hebrews in the Hebrew tongue. Both Irenaeus (Greek bishop) and Eusebius (Catholic priest) testify to the fact that the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) Scriptures were written in the Hebrew tongue.
“Matthew also issued a written Gospel among the Hebrews in their own dialect, while peter and Paul were preaching at Rome, and laying the foundations of the Church. After their departure, Mark, the disciple and interpreter of Peter, did also hand down to us in writing what had been preached by Peter. Luke also, the companion of Paul, recorded in a book the Gospel preached by him. Afterwards, John, the disciple of the Lord [Master], who also had leaned upon His breast, did himself publish a Gospel during his residence at Ephesus in Asia.”
– Irenaeus, Against Heresies, 3.1.1
“And the rest of the followers of our Savior, the twelve apostles, the seventy disciples, and countless others besides, were not ignorant of these things. Nevertheless, of all the disciples of the Lord [Master], only Matthew and John have left us written memorials, and they, tradition says, were led to write only under the pressure of necessity. For Matthew, who had at first preached to the Hebrews, when he was about to go to other peoples, committed his Gospel to writing in his native tongue, and thus compensated those whom he was obliged to leave for the loss of his presence.”
– Eusebius Church History 3.24. 5-6
We are told that the disciple Mark was the translator and interpreter for Peter. This would mean that Peter’s Epistles would have been written first in Hebrew and then translated by Mark into the Greek. And Luke was the translator of Paul’s writings – the book of Acts along with all the Letters.
If the Brit Chadashah (New Testament Scriptures) were originally written in Hebrew by Hebrews, then the writers would have transcribed the Mashiach’s Hebraic birth name, Yahushua, when writing the gospels. They would have not translated his name to Iesous, because they knew the importance of preserving both YAHUAH’S name and His Mashiach’s name. Whether the gospels were translated into Greek or Latin or any other language, the writers would have kept the Mashiach’S Hebraic birth name in tact because the name we are given does not ever change.
I’d like to give a brief example, If Carlos, born in Mexico moved to America, his name does not change to Charles, but it remains to be Carlos. Even if a book in English is written about Carlos, his name would not be translated into English, but would continue to be written as Carlos. Therefore, since the Mashiach was born Yahudim and not Greek, then it would be more appropriate to use His birth name Yahushua the Mashiach or Yahushua HaMashiach, which proclaims that He is “the anointed One of YAHUAH’S Salvation”. The disciples would have kept the original name intact. Especially if they believed,
Acts 4:12: Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
And whose name would they have called upon, some other Aluah’s salvation, or the Salvation of YAHUAH?
Romans 10:13: For whosoever shall call upon the name of YAHUAH shall be saved.
The Mashiach would have been given a traditional Hebrew name, being that Gabrial (Gabriel), the messenger of YAHUAH, told Mary what to name Him (refer to Luke 1:31). That name would have not been Jesus (modern English) nor Iesous (Greek), because none of these names point to YAHUAH, the One True Aluahim, as the Savior of Yasharal (Israel). The Prophet writes,
Isaiah (Yashayahu) 43:11: I, even I, am YAHUAH; and beside Me there is no Savior.
It was YAHUAH who became our Savior through His son whom is both the king of Yasharal (improperly rendered Israel) and Mediator between YAHUAH and YAHUAH’S children.
About our king and savior, the Apostle writes,
1 Peter 1:20: Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.
Call On His Name
Psalm 105:1: O give thanks unto YAHUAH; call upon His name: make known His deeds among the people.
Jeremiah 33:3: Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not.
Psalm 145:18: YAHUAH is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in Truth.
Romans 10:13: For whosoever shall call upon the name of Yahushua shall be saved.
It is only through YAHUAH’S Salvation in which we are saved, and this is why I use His name more often than a title. Also, I have chosen to use the full Hebrew version of the Mashiach’s name, Yahushua. When writing Scripture, I will replace God (Gad) for Aluahim or Aluah, LORD (Baal) for YAHUAH, and JESUS for Yahushua. I have restored the name Jesus Christ to the original Hebrew name of the Mashiach, and so the Scriptures will read, Yahushua HaMashiach (Ya-hoo-shoo-ah Ha-Mah-shee-akh).
I prefer to primarily use the Hebrew translations in regards to our Creator and Aluahim, because it is the language He originally chose to speak with His people from the very beginning. Every Prophet, from the Tanakh (Old Testament) to the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) recorded the Word of YAHUAH in the Hebrew language, and when Yahushua (The Word in the flesh) visited Paul, He also spoke in the Hebrew tongue (refer to Acts 26:14). Also, as I mentioned earlier, the meanings of each Hebrew letter and Hebrew names are of very much importance, for they point to the One True Aluahim.
Some may argue that they have been blessed by the name they are currently using, and so it must be just fine to keep using it. First off, YAHUAH will grant the things asked to those who are chasing after righteousness. But once the Truth is revealed, and it is denied, then the blessings will cease. Second, we must not forget the power of Satan and his demons. They, too, can manipulate our surroundings to make us think that the outcome came from YAHUAH, when indeed it was an angel of darkness disguised as an angel of light. This deceit is meant to make us believe that we are on the right track, when unfortunately, we are being led further away from the One True Aluahim.
Using the name Jesus Christ will not necessarily prevent a devout follower of Mashiach from spiritual development and eventually everlasting life, for we all must start somewhere. But as we continue to pray and ask to better understand the Word, then the Truth will be brought to us. YAHUAH has allowed ignorance in the past, but as we approach these last days, He will continue to shed light on His Word. And if YAHUAH has chosen to shed light on a specific topic (for instance; flat earth, His seventh-day lunar Sabbath, His full new moon, what a day is in Scripture, and the correct pronunciation of His name), then it is a sin to reject it.
With spiritual growth comes a responsibility of upholding the Truth, and the Truth only brings us closer to our Creator. If the Ruach HaQodash (Holy Spirit) convicts us of Their names, then it is very important to use them. Yahushua says,
John 17:26: And I have declared unto them Your name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith You have loved Me may be in them, and I in them.
I, personally, have much respect, and have learned many truths from the early church fathers, reformers, and preachers whom all have used the name Jesus and Jehovah in past times. But because YAHUAH has shed light on these topics (sacred names, flat earth, lunar Sabbath, appointed times, what a day is, etc.) I would be cautious in learning from anyone who: uses the name Jesus, Jehovah, Yahweh, or teaches a trinity doctrine (including being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), believes in heliocentric cosmology, keeps Saturday Sabbath, and especially those who teach that any part of the Law: the ten commandments, appointed times, and ordinances has been done away with.
Only YAHUAH knows our hearts and whom it is we are calling upon. If we do His will, keep His Law and Testimony, and never cease to keep learning and growing in Aluahim, then He will undoubtedly grant us His Ruach; even the Spirit of Truth.
2 Peter 3:18: But grow in grace and in knowledge of our Master and Savior Yahushua HaMashiach. To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen.