YAHUAH’S Firstborn – The Children of Yasharal (Israel)
The Hebrew name ישראל is improperly rendered as Israel. This name is made of two names:
Yud י Shin ש Resh ר + Aleph א Lamed ל
Let’s break down both of these names beginning with the suffix Aleph א Lamed ל:
אל (Aleph Lamed):
אל (Aleph Lamed) is short for אלוהים (Aluahim). The Hebrew title אלהים which is wrongfully rendered as Elohim is spelt “Aleph” “Lamed” “Heh” “Yud” “Mem”. This title originates from the Hebrew root word אלוה (Al-oo-ah) “Aleph” “Lamed” “Waw” “Heh”. It is important to notice that this root word is spelt with the letter “Waw” I in it. This is Strong’s Concordance number 433, Aluah: Deity, God.
God is an improper translation for the word Aluah, because the title Aluah should not and cannot be translated when describing YAHUAH our Creator and Savior. The title god is not the equivalent to the Hebrew title Aluahim (wrongfully pronounced as Elohim or Alahim). You will hear me say this again, that Hebrew letters have much meaning, and when the Hebrew language is not used to describe the Aluahim of Yasharal (improperly; Israel) then the meaning gets lost. As the saying goes, “lost in translation”. Aluahim Himself made what we now call the ancient paleo Hebrew language to both create heaven and earth and to speak to His Prophets. Therefore, it is not our prerogative to translate His name or title into any other pagan language (including English). For example, when the Tanakh (Old Testament Scriptures) was translated from Hebrew to the Greek Septuagint, the sacred name of YAHUAH was written in Hebrew and not translated into Greek.
The sounds of words are of much importance. We will shortly see that it doesn’t matter so much how a word is spelt, if it makes a certain sound, then it will invoke a specific deity. Let us first learn about the making of languages and how religion plays a major role in the creation of words.
Languages are influenced and created from the religious beliefs of groups or tribes of people. The words that are used to describe a people or a tribe’s deity either comes from the name of one of their deities or is influenced by one of their deities. For instance, the Greek word for deity is theos. Theos was used by the Greeks to describe one of their Olympian deities (i.e. Apollo, Hera, Nike, Zeus, etc.). Even the Greek word for victory is named after their deity Nike. Therefore, using the pagan title theos to describe our Creator is both inappropriate and offensive.
Another example, is the Arabic language which is highly influence by the name of their deity, Allah. Like the phrase, Mashallah: god has willed it or Allah has willed it. The suffix of this word is Allah which is translated as god in English. It is translated as god but literally points to the name of the Muslim deity, Allah. The Arabic word Allah is deity specific, just as the Greek word theos is deity specific and the Anglo-Saxon word god is deity specific. I will shortly speak more on the topic of the Semitic word allah and its derivation but first, let’s learn more about the English word, god.
The English language was derived from the Germanic people and most specifically the Anglo-Saxons. Take for instance, the English word pagan, derived from the name of the Anglo-Saxon’s religion which was literally called paganism.
The Anglo-Saxons worshipped many deities and incorporated both Norse and Greek mythology into their belief and lifestyle. For example, the English names for the days of the week (Sunday – Saturday) are all named after pagan Norse deities which derived from Greek and Roman mythology. After they converted to Christianity, the English term “pagan” began to be used to describe people who were not Christians. Although, the religion of Christianity is also in the modern use of the word, “pagan” – not the religion of our Creator.
The English word or title, god, which is commonly used to describe our Creator was derived from the Anglo-Saxons. The definition of the English word god means: “to call, to invoke”. Being that the Anglo-Saxons worshipped many pagan deities, the deity that they were calling upon or invoking was not YAHUAH – the creator of heaven, the earth, the seas, and everything in them. There is only one language that can and should be used to describe both YAHUAH and His Son, and that is ancient Hebrew – the language that YAHUAH Himself made in order to both create through the Word (Alef – Taw), and to speak to His Prophets (refer to Genesis 1:1, Psalms 33:6, Hebrews 1:1, 11:3).
The etymology of the word god can be traced further back than the Germanic languages of the 5th – 7th Century A.D. The word god is of Hebrew origin, and is linked to one of the oldest pagan deities known to man. This Hebrew word is גד Gad (Gawd) – “Gam” (modern Gimel) “Dal” (modern Dalet). It is Strong’s Concordance number 1407, 1408, 1409, and 1410; Gad. The phonetic spelling is: Gawd or God in English. This word has multiple meanings depending on the context but the main definition is: fortune, good fortune. Jacob’s son was named Gad because he was a good fortune to Leah.
The Hebrew word Gad was commonly used to describe something that was a good fortune or good luck. Unfortunately, just like many other Hebrew words, this word was also used as a name for a pagan Canaanite deity while also being used to describe one of the worst pagan deities mentioned in the Bible. This word is Strong’s Concordance number 1408, Gad (Gawd): a Babylonian deity. And also Strong’s Concordance number 1171, Baal Gad (בעל גד): Baal of fortune. Encyclopedia of the Bible says this about the word Gad.
“GAD (DEITY, A GOD) găd (גָּד, H1514; LXX Gen 30:11τύχη, fortune, troop KJV; Isa 65:11 δαίμων, G1230, fortune RSV, that troop KJV). A god of fortune, or good luck, worshiped by certain Sem. peoples. He is usually mentioned with Meni, “Destiny.” Isaiah proclaimed that the worshipers of Gad and Meni would suffer judgment (Isa 65:11). Some scholars find a reference to this deity in Leah’s naming of her son Gad (Gen 30:11). The popularity of the worship of this god among the Canaanites is manifested by the place names, Baal-gad (Josh 11:17; cf. 12:7; 13:5) and Migdal-gad (Josh 15:37), and the personal names, Gaddi and Gaddiel [properly; Gaddial: Aluahim is my fortune] (Num 13:10, 11). Gad has frequently been equated with the Babylonian god Marduk and with Jupiter.”
– Encyclopedia of the Bible. Gad.
The title gad (pronounced gawd), which can be spelt as god (g.o.d.) in English, is associated with many pagan deities including Baal, Marduk, and Jupiter. The pagan title god (gad, gawd) should never be used to describe YAHUAH Aluahim. There are many names for pagan deities that have derived from the Hebrew language and this is because the ancient Hebrew language is the oldest language known to man. At some point these names or titles were used by YAHUAH’S people to describe YAHUAH but were later used during their apostacy to describe other pagan deities.
The English language is just another pagan language made up by the Adversary in order for our tongues to cast spells and curses without us even realizing it. This is why we should both learn more about the original Hebrew language (Paleo-Hebrew) and practice guarding our words. By using the title, god, we are breaking YAHUAH’S commandments while invoking and giving worship to an ancient pagan deity. Remember, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). YAHUAH further tells us,
Exodus 23:13: And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other deities (aluahim), neither let it be heard out of your mouth.
Judges 10:14: Go and cry unto the deities (aluahim) which you have chosen [i.e. God, Lord, Jesus Christ, etc.]; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation.
Now look how we have been deceived. Below, are three translations of the same Scripture. The first translation is in pagan English or what we just call, English. The second is the English rendering translated back into Hebrew from English. The third is the direct Hebrew transliteration.
Psalm 55:16 (English): As for me, I will call upon God, And the LORD shall save me.
Psalm 55:16 (English-Hebrew) As for me, I will call upon Gad, And Baal shall save me.
Psalm 55:16 (Direct Hebrew Transliteration): As for me, I will call upon Aluahim, And YAHUAH shall save me.
I must ask you, who will you call upon in the time of trouble?
The Hebrew title Aluah or Aluahim is very specific in both identifying and giving due worship to the Creator of the heavens, the earth, the seas, and everything in them. The Aluahim of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the children of Yasharal (improperly rendered as Israel). Now we can move forward to breaking down the correct spelling and pronunciation of the Hebrew title for YAHUAH.
The Hebrew title אלהים “Aleph” “Lamed” “Heh” “Yud” “Mem” which is wrongfully rendered as Elohim should technically be spelt as אלוהים “Aleph” “Lamed” “Waw” “Heh” “Yud” “Mem” (Aluahim). Notice that the letter “Waw” I is missing from the word Elohim (אלהים).
It is a commonly known fact that the Masoretic texts often times dropped a Hebrew letter that represented a vowel, then replaced it with a diacritical marking in order to tell the reader how the word is supposed to be pronounced. The main problem with this corrupted system is that the diacritical markings often times teach the reader an improper pronunciation of the word.
For example, the title אלהים which is improperly rendered as Elohim, the “Waw” is dropped after the ל “Lamed”, but it does not mean that the letter ו “Waw” shouldn’t be pronounced in the title. The Hebrew title אלהים which is improperly rendered as Elohim should be written and pronounced as אלוהים Aluahim (Al-oo-heem). In the plural form, the “heh” sound turns from a guttural stop (ah) to a hard “h” (hee) sound. The ים “Yud” “Mem” suffix at the end of the Hebrew word Aluah, simply makes the word plural, thus, Aluahim. I personally kept the English letter “a” in the written plural form so that the root word is still seen in the English rendering as it is seen in the correct Hebrew spelling.
The Masoretes also changed the sound of the first two letters א “Aleph” and ל “Lamed”. Aleph א + Lamed ל = AL not EL. The Adversary always hides the truth in plain-site. For example, the airline company EL-AL is spelt “Ayin” “Lamed” (EL) “Aleph” “Lamed” (AL).
Many people out there understand that the first two letters “Aleph” א + “Lamed” ל makes the sound “AL” and not “EL”. They also understand that the sound often made after the Lamed ל is not an “o” sound but usually makes an “a” (ah) sound. But these people’s biggest mistake is that they, just like the Masoretes, omit the letter ו “Waw”. This is how they have come up with pronouncing the title אלהים (Aleph, Lamed, Heh, Yud, Mem) as Alahim. The title Alahim is widely used amongst professed followers of YAHUAH, but is incorrect.
The title Alahim is simply the plural version of the Islamic deity, Allah. See, the word Allah is a Semitic word which comes from the Hebrew root word עלה Alah (Ayin, Lamed, Heh). This is Strong’s Concordance number 5927 עלה Alah: to go up, ascend, climb.
Muslims know that the word Allah is not a name but rather a title that is often times rendered in the Tanakh (Old Testament) as Most-High. Muslims falsely believe that Allah is the same deity as the Aluahim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but is just another pagan deity born out of Babylon the Great.
When the letters ים “Yud” and “Mem” are added to the end of a Hebrew word it becomes plural, like in the word Yahudim (Yud, Heh, Waw, Dalet, Yud, Mem) which describes the people (Hebrews) who lived in the land of Judea and were of the tribe of Yasharal. Therefore, the word Alahim would simply be rendered as Most-Highs (plural).
Islam, just like modern Judaism and Christianity despises the One true Aluahim and His Mashiach. Therefore, they have all found a way to somehow take Mashiach out of the way. Both by their religious practices and by their language. Without the “Waw” which represents Yahushua HaMashiach, there is no Mashiach; king of Yasharal, savior of Aluahim’s people, and the man who connects Aluahim to Aluahim’s children.
The shortened version of the title אלוהים (Aluahim) is rendered as אל (AL). This is found at the end of many Hebrew names but instead of being spelt “EL”, the names should be spelt “AL”. For example, Ariel becomes Arial, Gabriel becomes Gabrial, Immanuel becomes Immanual, Ishmael becomes Ishmaal, Joel becomes Joal, Nathanael becomes Nathanaal, Michael becomes Michaal, Samuel becomes Samual, and the list goes on. Mind you, this is only the English translation of these names and not the full Hebrew transliteration of these names.
ישר (Yud Shin Resh):
ישר “Yud” “Shin” “Resh” is often times rendered in English as Jasher (refer to Joshua 10:13, Samuel 1:18). This Hebrew word is Strong’s Concordance number 3477, Yashar (yaw-shar’): convenient, equity, just, well-pleased, righteous, straight, most uprightly.
And if we were to drop the י “Yud” in the word ישר Yashar, then we get the word שר Sar (properly rendered as Shar). This is Strong’s Concordance number 8269, שר Shar: prince, chief, captain, ruler.
The Hebrew name ישראל Yasharal is just another example of a Masoretic corruption of the Hebrew language. It should not be written and pronounced as Israel (yis-raw-el).
אל “Aleph” “Lamed” should be pronounced as AL, and not El.
ישר “Yud” “Shin” “Resh” should be pronounced as Yashar (yaw-shar), not Yishraw.
Therefore, the name ישראל “Yud” “Shin” “Resh” “Aleph” “Lamed” should be rendered as Yasharal (yaw-shar-AL).
And when we put the two meanings of both words, ישר Yashar and שר Shar together along with the suffix אל AL, it means:
one who has power as a righteous prince with Aluahim, because he has overcome.
Now, let’s make sure that the above meaning matches up with the rest of the Scriptures (Testimony). When Isaac blessed Jacob he told him,
Genesis 27:29: Let people serve you, and nations bow down to you: be master over your brethren, and let your mother’s sons bow down to you: cursed be every one that curses you, and blessed be he that blesses you.
That sounds exactly like a ruler or prince (shar). Now let’s look at the very first time the name ישראל Yasharal is written in the Scriptures.
Genesis 32:28: And He [Aluahim] said, Your name shall no longer be called Jacob (yaaqob), but Yasharal; for you have struggled (sarah) with Aluahim and with men, and have prevailed (yakol).
The Hebrew word for struggle is Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance number 8280, sarah (properly rendered as sharah): to have power as a prince.
The Hebrew word for prevailed is Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance number 3201, yakol (yaw-kole): to be able, have power, to endure or overcome.
This verse can and should be translated as so:
Genesis 32:28: And He [Aluahim] said, Your name shall no longer be called Jacob (yaaqob), but Yasharal; for as a prince you have power (sharah) with Aluahim (AL) and with men, and have overcome (yakol).
The meaning of the name Yasharal is backed by Scripture. Anyone and everyone who chooses to turn away from transgressing YAHUAH’S Torah by choosing to keep His Sabbath holy, and keep His covenant Law (Torah) will become grafted into the wild olive tree – the family of Yasharal (refer to Romans 11:16-24). Isaiah writes,
Isaiah 56:6-7: Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to YAHUAH, to serve Him, and to love the name of YAHUAH, to be His servants, every one that keeps the Sabbath from polluting it, and takes hold of My covenant; Even them will I bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon My altar; for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.
Once we are Yasharal, then we are adopted as YAHUAH’S child, even His firstborn son.
Exodus 4:22: Then you shall say to Pharoah, ‘Thus says YAHUAH: Yasharal is My son, My firstborn.
Therefore, we will reap the blessings of a firstborn son and reign as kings and priests with Aluahim because we have struggled with man and Aluahim, but have overcome through the blood of the Lamb, and by keeping Aluahim’s Torah – His ten commandments, His appointed times, and ordinances. Aluahim promises us,
Revelation 3:21: To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne, as I also overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne.
Revelation 1:6: And has made us kings and priests unto his Aluahim and Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Claiming to be Yasharal (improperly rendered as Israel) is no small matter. The reward is great, and so therefore the work is great. YAHUAH is not going to grant just any person the same blessings as Yahushua – Aluahim in the flesh. We must continuously ask ourselves, “what am I doing to prove to YAHUAH Aluahim that I am worthy to reign as a king and priest with Aluahim?”
For more information on the title, Aluahim, and the proper name of our Creator, please read the aricle, The Name of the One True Aluahim.
For more information on the Body of Mashiach whom make up all of Yasharal, please read the article, The Body of Mashiach – Aluahim’s Church.
The Remnant of YASHARAL
Being Yasharal makes us YAHUAH’S chosen people, and all who are of the family of Yasharal will be saved (refer to Romans 11:26). We are told that, “many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). In these end days, YAHUAH has preserved a remnant of Yasharal – those who keep His Torah (Law) and Prophets (Testimony).
Ezekiel writes,
Ezekiel 6:8: Yet will I leave a remnant, that you may have some that shall escape the sword among the nations, when you shall be scattered through the countries.
And He promised Jeremiah,
Jeremiah 23:3: And I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.
And the prophet Zephaniah clarifies that the remnant of Yasharal keep His Torah. He writes,
Zephaniah 3:13: The remnant of Yasharal (Israel) shall not do iniquity [transgress the Torah], nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
This same remnant is described by John the Revelator when he writes,
Revelation 14:5: And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of Aluahim.
John shares more of the qualities that the remnant of Mashiach’S church will have during the last days,
Revelation 14:4: These are they which were not defiled with women (churches); for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb wherever He goes…
As soon as Mashiach set up His church, Satan wasted no time at all infiltrating that church (refer to Acts 20:29-30, 1 John 2:18-19) and creating a counterfeit church – the Roman Catholic church (Christianity). John tells us,
Revelation 12:17: And the Dragon (Satan) was wroth with the woman (Mashiach’S church), and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Aluahim, and have the testimony of Yahushua HaMashiach.
Out of this remnant another selected group will be chosen. These are the 144,000 of the twelve tribes of Yasharal. They are not just the remnant in the end days but also a privileged group of YAHUAH’S children who will be prophets in the end days, the first fruits of the living whom will not taste death, and will stand on the sea of glass (firmament) and sing a song that only they will know (refer to Revelation 14:3). This great reward is only earned by those who have given themselves solely to the will of Aluahim. If we look back at all of YAHUAH’S children throughout all time, and compare them to the 144,000 then we must conclude two things:
- What is expected from the remnant in the end days is no more less than what has ever been expected from Yasharal throughout all-time.
- The end days will be worse than any persecution that Yasharal has ever experienced (famines, bloodshed, torture, separating families, mass genocide, mass destruction).
For YAHUAH to promise the last remnant of Yasharal such a beautiful promise, it is only fair to expect from us the very same as our previous brothers and sisters. With this said, the Law has not changed or been done away with!
Let’s take a quick look at the Covenant. From Adam to the Egyptian captivity, YAHUAH’S Law consisted of: His ten commandments, appointed times, precepts and ordinances, along with the sacrificial system. From Moses to Mashiach, YAHUAH’S Law consisted of: His ten commandments, appointed times, precepts and ordinances, along with the sacrificial system. From Mashiach to the end day remnant, YAHUAH’S Law consists of: His ten commandments, appointed times, precepts and ordinances, and communion (communion replaced the sacrificial system). YAHUAH has never taken anything away from His covenant Law, but rather continued to ask the same from us as He did from everyone else in the past.
Let’s take a look at the struggles of the last day remnant:
- We are expected to keep the same set of instructions that were given to our ancestors, but without the help of a tribe, a family, or a church (refer to Luke 12:53, Acts 17:24, Revelation 14:4).
- We are expected to keep His moedim (appointed times) in accordance to the proper phases of the moon, yet do not have the Levites to tell us when these times occur.
- It is up to each and every one of us to become a priest to YAHUAH (refer to Exodus 19:6) and learn when to keep His moedim (appointed times) by studying both Scripture and learning our Creator’s calendar (astro-solar-lunar calendar).
- We are expected to learn and keep YAHUAH’S precepts and ordinances while living in Gentile nations and being surrounded by immodesty, fornication, and provocation.
- We are expected to keep His commandments when pagans all around us are teaching that YAHUAH’S precepts are unloving and excludes too many lifestyles, and therefore, they have made void His Law.
- We are expected to keep His Words when the Scriptures have been heavily tampered with, and we must search line upon line in order to find true doctrine.
- We are expected to search for true historical and scientific facts in order to better understand His creation, His calendar, and His prophecies.
This is why YAHUAH tells us,
Jeremiah 29:13: You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
Isaiah 28:10: For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.
John 5:39: Search the Scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
There is much work to be done as the last day remnant. The Adversary has had the most amount of time to deceive the nations and instill false teachings in our minds. The Truth is not easy to find, and this is why YAHUAH says,
Hosea 4:6: My people [Yasharal] are destroyed for a lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; because you have forgotten the Law (Torah) of your Aluahim, I also will forget your children.
Every single day we should compare ourselves to the Patriarchs and Prophets. We should strive to have a better relationship with YAHUAH than Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, John the Baptist, Paul, Peter, and the beloved John. Yes, YAHUAH has and will grant special privileges to many of the Patriarchs and Prophets. But think about the millions of people that have made up the children of Yasharal throughout all time who also kept YAHUAH’S covenant Law and kept their faith in Aluahim, yet will not be granted the privileges that the 144,000 will be gifted.
The 144,000 will receive the latter rain along with the rest of the remnant of Yasharal, they will not taste death, they will witness the last moments up until Mashiach returns, they will be the first fruits to Aluahim, and they will sing a song to YAHUAH that only they will know. It will be a blessing to be counted as one of the 144,000.
We (Yasharal) are still under Roman captivity (the last and final Beast). We are living amongst pagans who follow false prophets whom are teaching a false version of our Creator and His Mashiach. Most of us do not realize that we are in bondage in a world designed to keep us as far away from YAHUAH as possible. The second and great Exodus for Yasharal is soon approaching. We will be spiritually freed in order to worship YAHUAH our Aluahim and keep His Torah.
When we actually begin to ask questions concerning either the world we live in or the Word of Aluahim, then we are either made to look foolish or pulled in the wrong direction. It takes constant research, prayer, fasting, and humility to take just one step towards the Truth. When we learn a new truth we must constantly test it against the Scriptures (the Torah and the Prophets). Sometimes we are led astray for a while, then the Ruach opens our eyes to show us that we have gone the wrong way. We then, pray for forgiveness and ask to be led the right way. This may happen time and time again, but as the end draws near and as our love and obedience for YAHUAH strengthens, we will be brought to learn the old ways (refer to Jeremiah 6:16).
We (the last day remnant of Yasharal) have a heavy task ahead of us. Each and every one of us will be tried and put through the refining fire (refer to Jeremiah 9:7). We will always be tested to either put YAHUAH first, or the people and things of this world first. Just like every remnant of Yasharal throughout history, we too will experience deep pain, loss, and suffering. We will struggle, but we must keep our faith in the One and only Savior of Yasharal and hold true to His Law (Torah).
Some of us will be put to death (refer to Revelation 20:4) while the 144,000 will be kept alive to be witnesses of these dreadful end-times. No matter our fate, YAHUAH has prepared a place beyond our comprehension for all who have overcome. Be not fooled, and do not fall into the trap of thinking that all is well in the world. For under our very own nose, the Adversary and his children are planning the worst yet to come. So, be prepared, keep your eyes on our Savior, hold dear to His Law, keep learning and sharing the Truth, keep watch and remember,
Isaiah 51:6: Look up to the heavens, and look at the earth beneath; for the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment, and its inhabitants will die like gnats. But My Salvation will last forever, and My righteousness will never be shattered.
As we await the enforcement of the mark which will cut off our ability to buy and sell basic needs, we must mentally and spiritually prepare ourselves. We must desire the manna from above more than physical bread that eventually becomes moldy and filled with worms. We must thirst for our Aluahim more than physical water that becomes stale and lifeless. The main question we should ask ourselves every day is, do I “love YAHUAH Aluahim with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my might” (Deuteronomy 6:5)? Or do I make excuses to live a life filled with the desires of this world?
We are to be set apart. Every blessing and every truth we are given should be used to glorify the name of our Aluahim and Savior. The latter rain has yet to fall, but when it does, will you be ready to receive such a huge responsibility? Oh Yasharal, we are known to be a backsliding people. But in these end-times there is no room for error. We must be perfect like our heavenly Father in heaven is perfect (refer to Matthew 5:48). We must be like the disciples of Yahushua in the first Century A.D., and rejoice for being persecuted in His name (refer to Acts 5:41).
My prayer is that we (Yasharal) will be of one mind (refer to Philippians 2:2, Acts 4:32, 1 Peter 3:8). That we all keep YAHUAH’S Torah – His ten commandments, ordinances, and appointed times, all in their proper seasons. That we believe the same truth about YAHUAH’S creation. That we all hold dear His sacred name. And that we all desire to follow Yahushua our king and high priest wherever he goes. To the remnant of Yasharal, may YAHUAH Aluahim be with you all. Shalom.
For more information on the 144,000, please read the article, The Sabbath – YAHUAH’S Everlasting Covenant.
The Natsarim
The remnant of Yasharal (Israel) are not called Christians (the pagan counterfeit to Mashiach’s church). Anyone who identifies with either the name Christian or the religion of Christianity cannot and will not be considered to be Yasharal, because Christianity does not teach the unadulterated Word of YAHUAH.
The Greek word “Christian” comes from the word “Christianus” which derives from the root word cretin (which can sound like Christian). The word cretin is literally translated as: an idiot or moron. It was the pagans in Antioch (refer to Acts 11:26) who first used this word ‘cretin’ to belittle, offend, and mock the true disciples of Mashiach. See, the word “Christian” was originally used derogatorily. Yahushua’S disciples never called themselves by this hateful word but rather encouraged one another to continue preaching the gospel even if they were called bad names. Peter writes,
1 Peter 4:16: If [you suffer as a] Christian, do not be ashamed, [but is to] glorify Aluahim in this name.
The words [you suffer as a] and [but is to] are added words, and are not written in the Greek. And the words “in this” are improperly translated. This can easily be rendered as,
1 Peter 4:16: If [you are called a] Christian (cretin: an idiot or moron), do not be ashamed, but rather glorify YAHUAH which is His name.
It wasn’t until the Catholic church (the universal church) adopted the name “Christian” and the word began to have a religious connotation. They used this term to attach it to their new pagan deity named Jesus Christ, so that all who were called “Christians” were by definition those who followed the Christ. It was easier to infiltrate an already established corrupted church than to start a brand new one, so Satan used the already weakened state of the church in Rome as a counterfeit to the true religion of Mashiach. The religion of Christianity was more appealing to pagans, because it was mixed with Platonic philosophy and Greek mythology which were familiar concepts amongst the Romans.
For more information about the etymology of the word Christian and their pagan deity Jesus Christ, please read the following articles: The Name of the One True Aluahim, and Babylon the Great – an Ancient Trinitarian Religion.
The name that Yahushua HaMashiach’s original disciples went by, were the Natsarim (Na-tsar-yeem). When our brother Paul was brought forth to the high priest Ananias, Tertullian began to accuse him saying,
Acts 24:5: For we have found this man a plague, a creator of dissension among all the Yahudim (Jews) throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes (Natsarim in Hebrew).
We can clearly see here that during Paul’s time (in the first Century A.D.) the followers of Mashiach were known to the Yahudim (Jews) as the Natsarim. They were given this name as to separate them from all of the other Yahudim who denied the Mashiach. They were given this name because they followed the one who came from the town of Nazareth. Although, we will shortly see that this name was given to all the followers of Mashiach long before Yahushua was born. Concerning Yahushua being born in Nazareth, we read,
Acts 10:38: How Aluahim anointed Yahushua of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the Devil, for Aluahim was with him.
Matthew 2:23: And he (Yahushua) came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophets, he shall be called a Nazarene.
Many people do not know what Prophet in which Matthew is speaking of when he wrote, “He shall be called a Nazarene”. We will have to perform a Hebrew word study to learn where this prophecy is mentioned and what the word actually means. It is in the book written by the Prophet Isaiah where we read about the coming Mashiach. It reads,
Isaiah 11:1: There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse. And a branch (netser) shall grow out of His roots.
Now let’s take a look at the Hebrew word used for branch in Isaiah 11:1. This is Strong’s Concordance number 5342, נצר netser: a sprout, shoot, branch. From natsar (5341) in the sense of greenness as a striking color; a shoot; figuratively, a descendant – branch.
The above verse (Isaiah 11:1) is clearly speaking about the coming Mashiach. Jesse was king David’s father who was of the tribe of Yahudah (Judah). The Rod refers to the Mashiach, and the branch refers to Mashiach’s church or followers. Yahushua HaMashiach refers us back to this Scripture when He tells us,
John 15:5: I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing.
This is the same type of writing used by Paul when he talks about being grafted into the olive tree (refer to Romans 11:11-26). The branches of the olive tree represent the twelve tribes of Yasharal or the followers of Mashiach – the Natsarim.
The same Hebrew word נצר netser used in Isaiah 11:1 is also used later by the same Prophet Isaiah to describe the remnant of Yasharal who will inherit the land of New Canaan (New Yarushalam). It reads,
Isaiah 60:21: Also your people (Yasharal) shall all be righteous; they shall inherit the land (New Canaan) forever, the branch (netser) of My planting, the work of My hands, that I may be glorified.
Clearly, the Hebrew word נצר netser figuratively represents the remnant of Yasharal – the followers of Mashiach. Now remember how this Hebrew word נצר netser comes from the root word נצר natsar. This is Strong’s Concordance number 5341, נצר natsar: to watch, guard, keep, preserve, watchman, preserver, besieged, hidden thing, keeper monument, observe. A primitive root; to guard, in a good sense (to protect, maintain, obey, etc).
First, YAHUAH uses this Hebrew word נצר figuratively to describe the remnant of Yasharal – followers of Mashiach, by calling us His branch. Then, in other Scriptures YAHUAH uses this same Hebrew word נצר to yet again refer to His remnant – followers of Mashiach, but calls them His watchmen. The Prophet writes,
Jeremiah 31:6: For there shall be a day when the watchmen (natsarim) will cry on Mount Ephraim, arise, and let us go up to Zion, to YAHUAH our Aluahim.
Jeremiah 4:16: Make mention to the nations, yes, proclaim against Yarushalam, that watchers (natsarim) come from a far country and raise their voice against the cities of Yahudah (Judah).
The Hebrew root word נצר (natsar) is used by YAHUAH to describe the last day followers of Mashiach. This word is spelt “nun” נ “tsade” צ “resh” ר. The “yud” י “mem” ם at the end of a Hebrew word makes it plural. This is how we get the word נצרים “nun” נ “tsade” צ “resh” ר “yud” י “mem” ם – Natsarim (naw-tsar-yeem), which means:
The branch of our Aluahim, the watchmen or watchers for the return of the Mashiach, the preserved or last day remnant, the guards or guardians of the Torah, the keepers of the Truth, and the followers of the one who came from the Galilean town of Nazareth.
In the first few Centuries after Yahushua’s death the Yahudim (Jews) and Christians (Catholic church) alike despised the Natsarim – the true disciples of Mashiach. The 4th Century Catholic priest says this about the Natsarim.
“We shall now especially consider HERETICS who… call themselves Nazarenes [Natsarim]; they are mainly Jews [Yahudim] and nothing else. They make use not only of the New Testament [Brit Chadashah], but they also use in a way the Old Testament [Tanakh] of the Jews [Yahudim]; for they do not forbid the books of the Law [Torah], the Prophets, and the Writings… so that they are approved of by the Jews [Yahudim], from whom the Nazarenes do not differ in anything, and they profess all the dogmas pertaining to the prescriptions of the Law and to the customs of the Jews [Yahudim], except they believe in Messiah… They preach that there is but one god [Aluahim], and his son Jesus [Yahushua]. But they are very learned in the Hebrew language; for they, like the Jews [Yahudim], read the whole Law [Torah], then the Prophets… They differ from the Jews [Yahudim] because they believe in Messiah, and from the Christians in that they are to this day bound to the Jewish [Yahudim] rites, such as circumcision, the [lunar] Sabbath, and the other ceremonies [moedim].”
– Jerome – Epiphanius; Panarion 29; translated from the Greek. (Jerome is best known for translating the Greek Septuagint Bible into the Latin language 1,615 years ago which became the Latin Vulgate – standard Catholic Bible. He was an early Christian church father, here referring to the Nazarenes [Natsarim].
From this short passage we have gathered that:
- The Christian church (Satan’s counterfeit church) called the Natsarim heretics.
- Christians disliked the Natsarim because they kept the Law of Aluahim along with all of the Hebrew customs.
- The Yahudim (Jews) disliked the Natsarim because they believed in Yahushua HaMashiach.
- The Natsarim studied and kept the Torah, the Prophets, and the writings (the Tanakh or wrongfully called the Old Testament Scriptures).
- The Natsarim studied and kept the Gospels, Letters, and Epistles (the Brit Chadashah or wrongfully called the New Testament Scriptures).
- The Natsarim circumcised their young men.
- The Natsarim were literate in the Hebrew language.
- The Natsarim kept the lunar Sabbath.
- The Natsarim kept all of the Moedim (appointed times).
The Natsarim are the remnant of Yasharal in these end-days. They keep the commandments of Aluahim and the Testimony of Yahushua HaMashiach (refer to Rev. 14:12). They study both biblical prophecy and the lights in the heavens, therefore understand the signs of the times. They will have learned the old ways (refer to Jeremiah 6:16), become repairers of the breach (refer to Isaiah 58:12), kept the everlasting covenant, and have preserved the true teachings of Mashiach (refer to Matthew 5:17-20). And they will endure the time of trouble that is yet to come, for YAHUAH will preserve His elect. Isaiah writes,
Isaiah 49:6: Indeed YAHUAH says, It is too small a thing that you should be My servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved (natsir) ones of Yasharal; I will also give you as a light to the Gentiles, that you should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.
Once again, we see this Hebrew root word natsar being used to describe the last day remnant. The Hebrew word used for preserved is Strong’s Concordance number 5336 נציר natsir: From natsar; properly, conservative; but used passively, delivered – preserved.
It is no light thing to be considered one of YAHUAH’S children, even His firstborn son – Yasharal. And it is an honor to be one of YAHUAH’S elect in these end days. We cannot practice perfecting ourselves enough, for we must meditate day and night on our Aluahim’s Torah (Law), guard ourselves from evil, flee from religious fornication, and strive to become like our elder brother, master, king, and high priest – Yahushua HaMashiach. Amen.